This is a simple script to download Landkreis Hof and Stadt Hof stops as GTFS-compatible CSV.
The script uses the following endpoint:{minx}%3A{miny}%3AWGS84%5BDD.DDDDD%5D&boundingBoxRL={maxx}%3A{maxy}%3AWGS84%5BDD.DDDDD%5D&coordOutputFormat=WGS84%5BGGZHTXX%5D&type_1=STOP&outputFormat=json&inclFilter=1
It starts from bounding box (11.4, 50, 12.3, 50.5)
and works down to smaller quadrants.
The script produces CSV output in the following format:
"3400040","Hof (Saale), Umspannwerk",11.9386536871,50.319623910800004,"de:9464:40"
npm install
npm run export
Usage of this script may or may not be legal, use on your own risk.
This repository provides only source code, no data.
Source code is licensed under BSD 2-clause license. No license and no guarantees implied on the produced data, produce and use on your own risk.