Welcome to the Swift implementation of WeCodeFest's property based testing workshop.
The most important thing you'll want to do with this project is just running the tests. To do so, open the xcode and run them :)
To implement this project, we'll use:
- XCTest as the runner
- SwiftCheck for properties.
This project contains a few branches in order to help you with irrelevant implementation details that could be time consuming but don't add any value to this Workshop.
Just a simple scafolding of a Swift project in order to run the tests
git checkout scafolding
In this branch, you'll find the definition of each test we'll need to implement in order to test a sum. Just find the test in WeCodePlaygroundSpec.swift
git checkout sum-properties
In case you want solved exercises:
git checkout sum-properties-solved
It's time to know about the internals of the library, so we'll just play with the tool. Just find the test in PlayingWithLibrarySpec.swift
git checkout playing-with-library
git checkout playing-with-library-solved
What do you think is the main property fibonacci should keep? Find the test in FibonacciSpec.swift
git checkout fibonacci-properties
git checkout fibonacci-properties-solved
Lets find the main properties every collection should keep
Find the test in CollectionsSpec.swift
git checkout collection-properties
git checkout collection-properties-solved
The kata definition can be found in the original repo: https://github.com/Karumi/MaxibonKataIOS
git checkout maxibon-kata
git checkout maxibon-kata-implemented