Domaine: Informatic
The project objective is to develop a pilot Web application that illustrates the benefits to be taken from a unified approach to deal with both data and document oriented information. It relies on the use of standard based XML (eXtended Markup Language) and the associated languages/technologies to address the following issues in an integrated way :
- modeling of information (use of XML Schema)
- storing of information (use of a native XML database)
- querying of information (use of Xquery language)
- providing Web browser users’ views (use of XSLT language)
- interaction with users (use of an open source JavaScript library – AXEL - to author both document and data oriented information, constrained by a model)
- The project requires the mastering of several XML associated languages (taugth in the Web Document Engineering course)
- Due to the number of languages to be mastered and the volume of work to be performed to achieve the goal, two students are required for this Bachelor project
- Provide global information about the course such as course description, details about the examination process, deadlines, etc.
- Upload course resources (slides, links, etc.)
- Upload interactive quizzes for the preparation of an exam
- Provide feedback to students
- Provide a calendar-based view that facilitates the organization of the student work (editing, for example, a to-do list)
- Provide an easy access to resources of a course
- Provide an authoring functionality to take notes about a course session and aggregates the content of a given course in the purpose of preparing an exam.
The proposed pilot application relates to the implementation of a Web application targeted to students and professors of a high school institution in order to share course resources and organize their respective work about taught courses and associated activities. It aims, for example, at providing the following functionalities :