- The dexfair is a swap service that can exchange erc20 tokens.
- And users can also provide liquidity to earn rewards.
- The dexfair can be used on both desktop and mobile.
- It can be used through MetaMask desktop, MetaMask mobile, and dexfair dappbrowser under development.
- You need a web browser with MetaMask desktop extension wallet or DSRV desktop extension wallet installed.
- Enter https://dexfair.github.io/ in the address bar on both desktop and mobile.
- Network Change to Alfajores.
- If there are not enough celo on the testnet, the celo is charged here.
- Tokens can be transferred using Metamask and DSRV's wallet in a desktop environment.
- You can use CELO and cUSD, and It can be transferred all tokens that support ERC20.
- The user enters the type and amount of tokens to send,
- Enters the recipient's address,
- And then presses the transfer button.
- Press the button to open the wallet, and press the check signature button on the wallet.
- when the transfer is complete, check in Block Explorer.
Exchange (mainnet)
- This is the default EXCHANGE supported by CELO.
- Decide which token you want to exchange and the amount.
- Check the amount.
- Click the exchange button.
- The subsequent process is the same as the transfer process.
- When using it for the first time, you have to click the Approve button.
- If the amount to be exchanged falls below the slippage value, the transaction fails.
- This is the default EXCHANGE supported by CELO.
dexfair (testnet)
- It is an exchange of dexfair.
- It has the same UI as the default exchange.
- It is handled in the same UI/UX as the default exchange.
- The currency exchange formula is also the same as the default exchange.
- Instead, the applied settings have slippage and time limit.
- If the transaction is not processed within the timeout period, the exchange will fail.
Liquidity (testnet)
- Supply liquidity.
- Select the 2 types of tokens you want to supply liquidity.
- Determine the amount of each token.
- Press the Mint liquidity button.
- Repeat the same process of getting a signature from your wallet.
- Remove liquidity.
- You decide how much of your stake you want to burn.
- Press the Burn button.
- Repeat the same process of getting a signature from your wallet.
- The formula is the same as for regular swap.
- Supply liquidity.
- This is where you adjust the settings to be used in Exchange.
- In the default Exchange, only Slippage can be adjusted.
- If you would like to register for a test token, please leave a message here