3-lead electordes were positioned.
We follow the Pan Tompskins Algorithm to implement ECG QRS Complex detector.
So bpm come from R-R intervals.
3-lead electoreds were positioned.
The two electrodes were attached to the up-and-down side of left eye.
And theground was on the left side of left eye.
The t-rex character move up(down) when the eyeballs go up(down).
Use the active band-pass filter (0.159Hz ~ 15.9Hz) to pass only LOW frequency.
sample-rate = 250Hz
ECG : 3rd order Butterworth bandpass filter (5 ~ 30Hz) to remove the power noise
EOG : 3rd order Butterworth bandpass filter (5 ~ 10Hz) to remove the power noise
C# .NET used. Mitov PlotLab Basic used.
- The speed of the obstacle is determined by bpm.
- The character moves with the movement of the eyeballs.
At first, We implement the preprocessing algorithm(pan tompkins) in the Matlab.
But, CPU memory was insufficient.
Custom analog circuit(+MSP 430) for Bio-signal sensor
OP AMP : TLV2372QDRG4Q (Op Amp Dual Low Power Amplifier)
LTspice(circuit simulation)
C++(MSP430 embedding system)
C# (GUI implementation)
Pan Tomkins(https://kr.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/45840-complete-pan-tompkins-implementation-ecg-qrs-detector)
Mitov Plotlab(https://mitov.com/products/plotlab#overview)
T-rex game(https://github.com/mooict/T-Rex-Endless-Runner-Game-in-Windows-Form)