amqp-connector is a RabbitMQ/AMQP client library relying on the official RabbitMQ client for Java.
- Publish/Subscribe, Direct notifications, Broadcasts, Request / Reply schemes (RPC)
- Fast async publishing using Kotlin coroutines
- Publisher confirms
- Explicit consumer acknowledgements / rejections
- Fast parallel message processing using Kotlin coroutines
- Enforced or on-demand replying
- Configurable queues (durability, explicitness, auto-deletion)
- Configurable forwarding of dead-letter messages
- Automatic connection and channel recovery
- Pausing and resuming consumers
- Custom hooks on successful message publication / consumption
- Implicit message acknowledgements
- Publishing and processing messages in batches
- Dynamic subscription and un-subscription
- Confirmations for replies from consumers
Add the amqp-connector dependency to your Gradle build script
Create an instance of the connector using dedicated Kotlin DSL and start publishing and/or consuming messages
class ExampleResource { val connector = connector(role = PublisherAndConsumer) { connectionString = "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/" clientName = "sample-app" consumer(::sampleProcessingFunction) { workersCoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default) exchange { name = "some-ref-data" } bindingKey = Custom("refdata.*.user.#") } } val publisher = connector.publisher { exchange { name = "somedata-exchange" } routingKey = "" } suspend fun sampleProcessingFunction(message: AmqpInboundMessage<String>): Outcome<AmqpConsumingError, Unit> { println(message.payload) return Success(Unit) } suspend fun sendSamplePublication(request: String): Outcome<AmqpPublishingError, Unit> = publisher(AmqpOutboudMessage(request)) }
See the internal Javadoc for more details
Any contributions and improvements are very welcome. Feel free to submit any pull-requests.