This crate generates WebAssembly bindings to the FastCDC content defined slicing library.
npm install @dstanesc/wasm-chunking-fastcdc-node
npm install @dstanesc/wasm-chunking-fastcdc-webpack
//import { compute_chunks } from "@dstanesc/wasm-chunking-fastcdc-node"
import { compute_chunks } from "@dstanesc/wasm-chunking-fastcdc-webpack"
const buf: Uint8Array = ...
// chunking spec: min_size 16 KB, avg size 32 KB, max size 64 KB
const offsets: Uint32Array = compute_chunks(buf, 16384, 32768, 65536)
wasm-pack build --out-dir pkg/webpack --out-name chunking --target bundler --scope dstanesc
wasm-pack build --out-dir pkg/node --out-name chunking --target nodejs --scope dstanesc
Interactive mode, eg. to check debugging info in the console
wasm-pack test --firefox
Headless mode
wasm-pack test --headless --firefox
npm pack pkg/node/
npm pack pkg/webpack/
pub fn compute_chunks(
source: &[u8],
min_size: u32,
avg_size: u32,
max_size: u32
) -> Result<Vec<u32>, RangeError>
Compute chunks from a given slice of bytes.
The min_size specifies the preferred minimum chunk size, max_size the preferred maximum chunk size; the avg_size is the desired “normal size” of the chunks. The smallest acceptable min_size is 64 bytes and likewise 256 bytes and 1024 bytes for avg_size and respectively max_size
A js_sys::RangeError is returned when the above chunking specification is out of range.
use wasm_chunking_fastcdc::compute_chunks;
let data: Vec<u8> = br"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit...put more bits in here...".to_vec();
let slice: &[u8] = &data;
let min_size: u32 = 64;
let avg_size: u32 = 256;
let max_size: u32 = 1024;
let offsets: Vec<u32> = compute_chunks(slice, min_size, avg_size, max_size).unwrap();
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