Typero is lib for custom types and schema validations.
Instead of haveing DB schema, you can model your data on real types and geneate db_schema, forms, API validators and other based on given types.
Errors are localized
UserSchema = Typero do
name max: 100
email :email
interests Set[:label]
location :point
UserSchema.rules # rules hash
UserSchema.db_schema # generate DB schema
UserSchema.validate @user # validate data
You can test single value
good_email = '[email protected]'
# will convert email to '[email protected]' (lowercase)
# but it will not raise error
Typero.set :email, good_email
bad_email = 'duxnet.hr'
# raises TypeError
Typero.set :email, bad_email
# will capture error if block provided
Typero.set(:email, bad_email) { |e| @error = e.message }
# we can say
UserSchema = Typero do
# default type is String
name min: 3 # default type is String
# unique info
email :email, unique: 'Email is allready registred'
# min and max length can be defined for numbers and strings
speed :float, min:10, max:200
# use values to define all possible values for a property
eyes default: 'blue', values: %w(brown blue green)
# array type can be defined for any value
# duplicates are false by defult
emails Array[:email], duplicates: true, max_length: 5
emails Set[:email]
# manualy set field and value for protected fields
set :set, String
# non required fields are defined by ?
name? # same as "name required: false"
# meta attributes can accept any value
name meta: { foo: :bar, baz: 113 } # ok
name foo: :bar # ArgumentError
# you can set custome filed names and error messages
# @object.sallary = 500 # erorr - 'Plata min is 1000 (500 given)'
sallary Integer, name: 'Plata', min: 1000, meta: { en: { min_value_error: 'min is %s (%s given)'} }
# or without locale prefix
sallary Integer, name: 'Plata', min: 1000, meta: { min_value_error: 'min is %s (%s given)' }
to install
gem install typero
or in Gemfile
gem 'typero'
and to use
require 'typero'
Can be used in plain, ActiveRecord (adapter missing) or Sequel classes.
Can be used as schema validator for custom implementations
schema = Typero do
email :email, req: true
integer :age, min: 18, max: 150 #, min_error: "Minimal allowed age is 18 years."
# or
schema = Typero do
set :email, req: true, type: :email
set :age, Integer, min: 18, max: 150
schema.validate({ email:'[email protected]', age:'40' }) # {}
schema.validate({ email:'duxnet.hr', age:'16' }) # {:email=>"Email is missing @", :age=>"Age min is 18, got 16"}
You can define schemas in many ways
# as a instance
schema = Typero.new { user_name }
# as a instance, shorter
schema = Typero { user_name }
# via cached schema
Typero(:user) { user_name }
schema = Typero(:user)
# via class schema
# Typero(:user) will return UserSchema if one present
UserSchema = Typero do { user_name }
schema = Typero(:user)
# create model
UserSchema = Typero.schema User do
email :email
avatar? :url
# reference by model
Typero.schema :api1 do
# root params
foo Integer
# if hash matches schema, you can filter it on schema
# user model: UserSchema
# user schema: UserSchema
user UserSchema
# or dynamic declaration
user do
email :email
avatar? :url
Types can be assigned in a bulk, you just neeed to pass a block and end type with "!"
Example numberos booleans with default false + integers
Notice that any attribute can be a function. If it is, it will be evaluated at runtime inside the scope of given object.
Typero.schema :bulk do
integer! do
org_id req: proc { I18n.t('org.required') }
false! do
- boolean - Typero::BooleanType
- currency - Typero::CurrencyType
- date - Typero::DateType
min: Smallest date-time allowed
max: Maximal date-time allowed
- datetime - Typero::DatetimeType
min: Smallest date allowed
max: Maximal date allowed
- email - Typero::EmailType
- float - Typero::FloatType
min: Minimum value
max: Maximun value
round: Round to (decimal spaces)
- hash - Typero::HashType
- image - Typero::ImageType
strict: Force image to have known extension (jpg, jpeg, gif, png, svg, webp)
- integer - Typero::IntegerType
min: Minimum value
max: Maximun value
- label - Typero::LabelType
- locale - Typero::LocaleType
- model - Typero::ModelType
- oib - Typero::OibType
- point - Typero::PointType
- string - Typero::StringType
min: Minimun string length
max: Maximun string length
downcase: is the string in downcase?
- text - Typero::TextType
min: Minimun string length
max: Maximun string length
- time - Typero::TimeType
- timezone - Typero::TimezoneType
- url - Typero::UrlType
We will create custom type named :label
class Typero::LabelType < Typero::Type
# default value for blank? == true values
def default
def set
value do |data|
def validate
# allow only strnings
raise TypeError.neew("having unallowed characters") unless @value =~ /^\w+$/
If you want to overload errors or add new languages.
Typero::Type.error :en, :min_length_error, 'minimun lenght is %s, you have defined %s'
en: {
min_length_error: 'min lenght is %s, you have %s',
max_length_error: 'max lenght is %s, you have %s',
min_value_error: 'min is %s, got %s',
max_value_error: 'max is %s, got %s',
unallowed_characters_error: 'is having unallowed characters',
not_in_range: 'Value in not in allowed range (%s)',
unsupported_boolean: 'Unsupported boolean param value: %s',
min_date: 'Minimal allowed date is %s',
max_date: 'Maximal allowed date is %s',
not_8_chars_error: 'is not having at least 8 characters',
missing_monkey_error: 'is missing @',
not_hash_type_error: 'value is not hash type',
image_not_starting_error: 'URL is not starting with http',
image_not_image_format: 'URL is not ending with jpg, jpeg, gif, png, svg, webp',
locale_bad_format: 'Locale "%s" is in bad format (should be xx or xx-xx)',
not_an_oib_error: 'not in an OIB format',
invalid_time_zone: 'Invalid time zone',
url_not_starting_error: 'URL is not starting with http or https',