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This package provides web services for the VOLTTRON™ platform. This includes a RESTful API for interacting with the platform and utility pages for administration and certificate management. This library cannot be installed as a VOLTTRON agent is. Rather, it must be installed as a python package.

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  • python >=3.8
  • volttron >= 10.0


This library can be installed using pip:

> pip install volttron-lib-web

Once the library is installed, VOLTTRON will not be able to start until the web service is configured. Configurations for services, including this, reside in a service_config.yml file in the VOLTTRON_HOME directory (by default ~/.volttron/service_config.yml). If this file does not already exist, create it. To configure the web service, include the following:
  enabled: true
    web_secret_key: some_string # If not using SSL.
    web_ssl_cert: /path/to/certificate # Path to the SSL certificate to be used by the web service. 
    web_ssl_key: /path/to/key # Path to the SSL secret key file used by web service.

Additionally, in order to use many of the API endpoints, an instance name must be set in the VOLTTRON platform configuration file in VOLTTRON_HOME (by default ~/.volttron/config). If this file does not already exist, create it. Ensure that it contains at least the following (where "my_instance_name" will be the name of this platform):


The bind_web_address will typically be the IP address of the host on which the web service is installed. Setting the bind_web_address to will bind to all interfaces on the machine. or localhost can be used if it is not desired for the web services to be reachable by other hosts. The port number (after the colon) can be any port which is not bound to another service on the host mahcine. 80 or 8080 are common ports when not using SSL. 443 and 8443 are common ports to use when using SSL.

If using SSL, both web_ssl_certificate and web_ssl_key are required and web_secret_key should not be included. If SSL is not desired, provide a web_secret_key instead and remove the lines for the web_ssl_cert and web_ssl_key. Any string can be used for the web_secret_key.

Full VOLTTRON documentation is available at VOLTTRON Readthedocs


Once the web service is installed, a web browser may be directed to the bind_web_address ( in the case shown in the configuration) to reach an index page. An admin page is also available at the /admin path which can be used to create a username and password for authentication ( in the configuration shown above). This will create a file called web-users.json in the VOLTTRON_HOME directory.

Additionally, the web service provides a RESTful API which can be used by other applications. Full documentation for the API is available on Readthedocs.

Note that it is necessary for most API endpoints to have previously created a username and password for authentication by visiting the /admin page or by manually copying or creating a web-users.json file. Authentication can then be performed by making a POST request to the /authenticate endpoint to obtain an access token. The access token should then be included in any subsequent requests to the API by passing the token as a BEARER token in an HTTP authorization header. A simple example of using the API from a python script to retrieve a json object containing API routes to all platforms known to this host is shown here:

import requests
bind_web_address = ''
tokens ='{bind_web_address}/authenticate',
                         json={"username": "my_user", "password": "my_password"})
access_token = tokens.json()['access_token']

platforms = requests.get(url=f'{bind_web_address}/vui/platforms',
                         headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}'}


Please see the following for contributing guidelines contributing.

Please see the following helpful guide about developing modular VOLTTRON agents

Disclaimer Notice

This material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the United States Department of Energy, nor Battelle, nor any of their employees, nor any jurisdiction or organization that has cooperated in the development of these materials, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness or any information, apparatus, product, software, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.

Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof, or Battelle Memorial Institute. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.


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