DBpedia logs from http://usewod.org
- Emmanuel Desmontils (Emmanuel.Desmontils_at_univ-nantes.fr)
- Patricia Serrano-Alvarado (Patricia.Serrano-Alvarado_at_univ-nantes.fr)
This is a guide to analyse a day of DBPedia 2015. Consider the log of October 31th located in './data/logs20151031/'access.log-20151031.log'.
The first step is, to extract BGPs from each line that corresponds to a http request containing a SPARQL query:
python3.6 bgp-extractor.py -p 64 -d ./data/logs20151031/logs-20151031-extract -f ./data/logs20151031/access.log-20151031.log
The result is a set of directories (one for each hour) that contains one file by user. Each file is named 'userIp-be4dbp.xml'
Then, filter BGPs that can be excuted on the data provider (e.g. a TPF serveur with a timeout of 20 secondes)
python3.6 bgp-test-endpoint.py -e TPF ./data/logs20151031/logs-20151031-extract/*/*-be4dbp.xml -to 20
The result is, for each user file, a file (named 'userIp-be4dbp-tested-TPF.xml') conform to 'http://documents.ls2n.fr/be4dbp/log.dtd' (which uses 'http://documents.ls2n.fr/be4dbp/bgp.dtd'), where each 'entry' (a BGP) is evaluated according to the data provider.
Next, rank BGPs to identify most the frequents:
python3.6 bgp-ranking-analysis.py ./data/logs20151031/logs-20151031-extract/*/*-tested-TPF.xml
The result is, for each user file, a file (named 'userIp-be4dbp-tested-TPF-ranking.xml') valid with 'http://documents.ls2n.fr/be4dbp/ranking.dtd'.
Next, these XML files are given as input to LIFT. We suppose that LIFT results (for extracted queries) are in the directory './data/divers/liftDeductions/traces/' (see 'https://github.com/coumbaya/lift' for execution LIFT). This directory contains a set of directories (one by hour). Each one contains a file for each user (same hierarchy as for dbpedia log extraction). Like for dbpedia extracted BGPs, rank BGP founded by LIFT.
python3.6 bgp-ranking-analysis.py ./data/divers/liftDeductions/traces/*/traces_*-be4dbp-tested-TPF-ranking/*-ldqp.xml -t All
Then, compute precision and recall to produce a set of CSV files:
sh bigCompare.sh
Finaly, to be able to calculate agregates (avg, max, etc.), load CSV files in a MySQL database (you have to modify loadPrecisionRecall_MySQL.sh to introduce the name of your database, your user and password).
sh loadPrecisionRecall_MySQL.sh
Once the CSV files are loaded in the MySQL datatabase you can execute the script queries.sql.
usage: bgp-extractor.py [-h] [-l {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]
[-t REFDATE] [-d BASEDIR] [-r] [--tpfc]
[-e {SPARQLEP,TPF,None}] [-ep EP] [-to TIMEOUT]
BGP Extractor for DBPedia log.
positional arguments:
file Set the file to study
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Set the logging level (INFO by default)
-t REFDATE, --datetime REFDATE
Set the date-time to study in the log
Set the directory for results ('./logs' by default)
Number of processes used to extract (4 by default)
over 8 usuable processes
usage: bgp-test-endpoint.py [-h] [-l {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]
[-p NB_PROCESSES] [-e {SPARQL,TPF}] [-ep EP]
file [file ...]
Request test with SPARQL endpoint or TPF server
positional arguments:
file files to analyse
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Set the logging level
Number of processes used (8 by default)
-e {SPARQL,TPF}, --empty {SPARQL,TPF}
Request a SPARQL or a TPF endpoint to verify the query
and test it returns at least one triple (TPF by
-ep EP, --endpoint EP
The endpoint requested for the '-e' ('--empty') option
(for exemple 'http://localhost:5001/dbpedia_3_9' for
TPF by default)
-to TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
Endpoint Time Out (60 by default). If '-to 0' and the
file already tested, the entry is not tested again.
usage: bgp-ranking-analysis.py [-h] [-l {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]
[-t {NotEmpty,Valid,WellFormed,All}]
file [file ...]
Ranking analysis of BGPs
positional arguments:
file files to analyse
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Set the logging level
Number of processes used (8 by default)
-t {NotEmpty,Valid,WellFormed,All}, --type {NotEmpty,Valid,WellFormed,All}
How to take into account the validation by a SPARQL or
a TPF endpoint (NotEmpty by default)
The '-t' argument describes entries the process has to take into account :
- 'All' : all entries,
- 'WellFormed' : only correct SPARQL queries,
- 'Valid' : only queries that are accepted by the endpoint (e.g. TPF client does'nt accept all SPARQL queries)
- 'NotEmpty' : only queries having at least one answer with the endpoint
- RDFLib : https://github.com/RDFLib/rdflib (doc: https://rdflib.readthedocs.io/)
- SPARQLWarpper : https://github.com/RDFLib/sparqlwrapper (doc: https://rdflib.github.io/sparqlwrapper/)
- lxml : http://lxml.de/