It's a pure-php RFC3161 Client (query, reply, no verify).
Targeting minimal dependencies: only curl, hash extensions needed.
It does not shell out to openssl
The ASN.1/DER Encoding is "hand-crafted".
This only supports SHA512 hashes in the Query.
This client is supplied the end-point on creation, it creates the hash and query and then requests the reply. Both of those string-data (tsq, tsr) should be saved along w/the content that would be verifed.
$url = ''; // Pick One
$tac = new \Edoceo\Radix\RFC3161($url);
$tsq = $tac->query($file);
$tsr = $tac->reply();
The files can be manually examined using the openssl
# View Query:
openssl ts -query -in tsa-query.der -text
# View Reply:
openssl ts -reply -in tsa-reply.der -text
This library does not support verification, it's better left to an external/independent tool. Generally, the person doing the verification is different than the person doing the assertion.
openssl ts -verify \
-queryfile tsa-query.der -in tsa-reply.der \
-CAfile tsa-root.pem -untrusted tsa-cert.pem
There are loads of them, this gist is pretty complete.
- url:
- docs: ?
You'll need to fetch the certificates from Apple Certificate Authority. Once downloaded, they should be converted
openssl x509 -inform der -in AppleIncRootCertificate.cer -out AppleIncRootCertificate.pem
openssl x509 -in AppleTimestampCA.cer -out AppleTimestampCA.pem
This system requires an account with DigiStamp.
- url:
- docs:
FreeTSA -
Delivers what it says on the tin; not as widely trusted as others (yet)