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Merge pull request #8 from edumeet/feat-static-getdistance
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Feat static getdistance
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pnts-se authored Mar 28, 2023
2 parents ffbf448 + 8a196cb commit 8aecc7f
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Showing 12 changed files with 3,312 additions and 141 deletions.
145 changes: 145 additions & 0 deletions .eslintrc.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions __tests__/tsconfig.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
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100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions __tests__/unit-tests/KDTree.test.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
import { KDTree, KDPoint } from '../../src/KDTree';

let geoPoints: KDPoint[];
let additionalGeoPoints: KDPoint[];

beforeEach(() => {
geoPoints = [
new KDPoint([ 59.9139, 10.7522 ], { name: 'Oslo', load: 0 }),
new KDPoint([ 63.4305, 10.3951 ], { name: 'Trondheim', load: 0 }),
new KDPoint([ 58.9690, 5.7331 ], { name: 'Stavanger', load: 0 }),
new KDPoint([ 60.3913, 5.3221 ], { name: 'Bergen', load: 0 }),
new KDPoint([ 69.6496, 18.9553 ], { name: 'Tromsø', load: 0 }),
additionalGeoPoints = [
new KDPoint([ 60.4675, 7.0719 ], { name: 'Eidfjord', load: 0 }),
new KDPoint([ 62.4722, 6.1497 ], { name: 'Ålesund', load: 0 }),
new KDPoint([ 66.3167, 14.1667 ], { name: 'Mo i Rana', load: 0 }),
new KDPoint([ 67.2833, 14.4000 ], { name: 'Bodø', load: 0 }),
new KDPoint([ 63.1111, 7.7417 ], { name: 'Kristiansund', load: 0 }),

test('Constructor should work', () => {
expect(() => new KDTree(geoPoints)).not.toThrow();

test('Should be able to add new node to tree', () => {
const sut = new KDTree([]);
const point = new KDPoint([ 59.65059, 6.35415 ],
{ name: 'Sauda', load: 0 });



test('Rebalance should work', () => {
const sut = new KDTree(geoPoints);
let score = sut.balanceScore();


additionalGeoPoints.forEach((point) => {

score = sut.balanceScore();


score = sut.balanceScore();

test('Should return closest point', () => {
const target = new KDPoint(
[ 60.5166646, 8.1999992 ],
{ name: 'Geilo' }

const sut = new KDTree(geoPoints);
const nearest = sut.nearestNeighbors(
target, 1, (point) => point.appData.load as number <= 0.8);


test('Should diqualify on filter', () => {
const target = new KDPoint(
[ 60.5166646, 8.1999992 ],
{ name: 'Geilo' }

const sut = new KDTree(geoPoints);

sut.root.left.kdPoint.appData.load = 0.9;
const nearest = sut.nearestNeighbors(
target, 1, (point) => point.appData.load as number <= 0.8);


test('Should return distance', () => {
const target = new KDPoint(
[ 60.5166646, 8.1999992 ],
{ name: 'Geilo' }

let distance = KDTree.getDistance(target, geoPoints[0]);


distance = KDTree.getDistance(target, geoPoints[1]);

9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions jest.config.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
/** @type {import('ts-jest').JestConfigWithTsJest} */
module.exports = {
modulePathIgnorePatterns: [ '<rootDir>/lib' ],
transform: {
'^.+\\.[t]s$': [
'ts-jest', { tsconfig: 'src/tsconfig.json' }
22 changes: 16 additions & 6 deletions lib/KDTree.d.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
* A point in a k-dimensional space. The position array is the coordinates of the point in the space.
* A point in a k-dimensional space.
* The position array is the coordinates of the point in the space.
export declare class KDPoint {
position: number[];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,19 +53,27 @@ declare class KDNode {
* const geoTree = new KDTree(geoPoints);
* // Add a new point to the tree
* geoTree.addNode(new KDPoint([ 59.65059, 6.35415 ], { name: 'Sauda', load: 0 })); // Sauda, Norway
* geoTree.addNode(
new KDPoint([ 59.65059, 6.35415 ],
{ name: 'Sauda', load: 0 })
); // Sauda, Norway
* // 1 is a perfect balance. For a large tree, 1.5 is an unbalanced tree.
* const score = geoTree.balanceScore());
* const score = geoTree.balanceScore();
* // Rebalance the tree
* geoTree.rebalance();
* // Find the nearest neighbor for a target point
* const target = new KDPoint([ 60.5166646, 8.1999992 ], { name: 'Geilo' }); // Geilo, Norway
* const target = new KDPoint(
[ 60.5166646, 8.1999992 ],
{ name: 'Geilo' }
); // Geilo, Norway
* // Find the 3 nearest neighbors, but points with a load of more than 0.1 will be ignored
* const nearest = geoTree.nearestNeighbors(target, 3, (point) => point.appData.load as number <= 0.1);
* // Find the 3 nearest neighbors,
but points with a load of more than 0.1 will be ignored
* const nearest = geoTree.nearestNeighbors(
target, 3, (point) => point.appData.load as number <= 0.1);
export declare class KDTree {
private k;
Expand All @@ -84,5 +93,6 @@ export declare class KDTree {
private countNodes;
private treeHeight;
nearestNeighbors(target: KDPoint, n: number, filter?: (point: KDPoint) => boolean): [KDPoint, number][] | undefined;
static getDistance(p1: KDPoint, p2: KDPoint): number;
export {};

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