This extension has been merged into quarto version 1.6.6. (see. quarto-dev/quarto-cli#10581) and should work out of the box.
The 'quarto-landscape' filter enables a landscape div, that switches the pages within the selection to landscape. It implements the same div for docx, latex, and Typst, making it easier to switch between formats.
quarto add edvinsyk/quarto-landscape
This will install the extension under the _extensions
If you're using version control, you will want to check in this directory.
Simply enclose what you want to have in landscape format using the landscape div.
Portrait format
::: {.landscape}
Landscape format
Portrait format
This is commonly needed for displaying graphs or tables with dimensions when writing papers or content. PDFs require the following in the YAML.
The following is required in YAML for the extension to work:
# Required for all:
- landscape
# Required for PDF:
text: |
Here is the source code for a minimal example: example.qmd.
Thanks to tarleb for the word implementation