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Protocol Specification

Ethan Gordon edited this page Aug 27, 2014 · 1 revision

Protocol Specification Version 1

Message Frame (Quibit)

EMP uses Quibit to handle network connections and managing connected peers. You can find more information about Quibit via its GitHub Page.

Field Name Size Go-Type Description
magic 4 uint32 Verify valid message server (0x987fc18e)
command 1 uint8 Byte signifying how to interpret payload
type 1 uint8 How message should be handled: BROADCAST = 0 REQUEST = 1 REPLY = 2
checksum 48 []byte SHA-384 Hash for Payload
length 4 uint32 Length of payload in bytes
payload ? []byte

Frame Building Blocks


Field Name Size Go-Type Description
ip_addr 16 net.IP ([16]byte) Valid 16-Byte IPv6 Address, or IPv4 represented as 16 bytes (00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF …)
port 2 uint16 Valid port number with which to connect to the peer
last_seen 8 int64 Standard UNIX timestamp in seconds

Backbone vs. Peer Nodes

Backbone nodes have their IP address exposed, so any node can connect to them. Peer nodes do not have their IP address exposed, so they can connect to backbone nodes, but backbone nodes cannot connect back. Peers can still be used as intermediaries between to backbone nodes.

Request/Reply Messages

The following commands should only part of REQUEST or REPLY frames. If the following has a BROADCAST, the frame should be dropped and a SHUN should be broadcast for the offending peer.


The peer initiating the connection is responsible for sending a version request to the server before any other communications. The valid response to a **VERSION **is another VERSION.

Field Name Size Go-Type Description
prot_version 2 uint16 Current protocol version running on the peer
timestamp 8 int64 (time.Time) Standard UNIX timestamp in seconds
IP_addr 16 net.IP IP address, or all 0’s if node is not a backbone node
port 2 uint16 Port, or 0 if node is not a backbone node
user_agent ? string A User-Agent String

PEER (1)

Used for requesting or sending a list of peers to adjacent backbone nodes. List length can be calculated by dividing the total message length by 26. A list of peers length 0 acts as a pure request for the recipient’s peer list. The valid response to a PEER is another PEER.

Field Name Size Go-Type Description
peers 26*? []Node Array of Peers

OBJ (2)

Used for requesting or sending a list of object identifiers. List length can be calculated by dividing the total message length by 48. A list of objects length 0 acts as a pure request for the recipient’s object list. The valid response to an OBJ is another OBJ.

Field Name Size Go-Type Description
objects 48*? [][48]byte A TXID-Hash for messages, or an Address-Hash for Public Keys and Public Key Requests


Used for requesting a particular object from a connected peer. The valid response to a GETOBJ is either another empty GETOBJ if the object is not found, or any of the Broadcasted message types.

Field Name Size Go-Type Description
object 48 [48]byte Object hashed with SHA-384

Broadcasted Messages

Upon receiving any of these message types for the first time, they should be re-broadcasted to all connected nodes. A node will allow broadcasted messages from another node if and only if they received a valid VERSION request or reply from that peer recently, otherwise a SHUN should be broadcast for the offending node.


Sends out a request for a public key. Public key requests should be stored for at least 1 day in all node inventories.

Field Name Size Go-Type Description
addr_hash 48 [48]byte SHA-384 hash of the Address


Sends out a symmetrically encrypted public key which can be decrypted with the Address. Public keys should be stored for at least 1 week, although longer or indefinite caching is recommended.

Field Name Size Go-Type Description
addr_hash 48 [48]byte Recipient Public Identification Address
IV 16 [16]byte AES-256 Initialization Vector
payload 80 [80]byte Public key padded with 15 0-bytes. Valid pubkey length is 65. Encrypted with Public Sending Address

MSG (6)

Broadcasts an encrypted message to all nodes. MSG objects should be stored for at least 1 month or until the corresponding PURGE is received.

Field Name Size Go-Type Description
addr_hash 48 [48]byte Recipient Public Identification Address
txid_hash 48 [48]byte SHA-384 hash of the TXID
timestamp 8 int64 Standard UNIX timestamp of message broadcast in seconds
IV 16 [16]byte AES Initialization Vector
PubKey 65 [65]byte Serialized Random X-Y Public Key for Decryption
ciphertext ? []byte Encrypted Payload
MAC 32 [32]byte HMAC/SHA256 for this message

Decrypted Message

Field Name Size Go-Type Description
txid 16 [16]byte TXID, required for PURGE broadcasts
pubkey 65 [65]byte Sender’s Public Key
subject ? string NULL-Terminated ASCII subject line
MIME ? string NULL-Terminated ASCII MIME-type
plaintext ? []byte Final, unencrypted message
signature 65 [65]byte Signature of entire decrypted message using Sender’s Private Key


Used as a combination read-receipt and signal to delete encrypted MSG objects. A peer should send out a PURGE as soon as they successfully decrypt a message. Clients should store a record of the PURGE until the normal expiration date of the purged MSG object.

Field Name Size Go-Type Description
txid 16 [16]byte TXID that can be hashed to identify the MSG


Functions identically to GETOBJ, except if the object is not a PURGE, than an empty **CHECKTXID **is returned. Standard use case is to check for a purged message on startup.

Field Name Size Go-Type Description
txid_hash 48 [48]byte TXID_Hash that can be hashed to identify the MSG

PUB (9)

Broadcasts an encrypted publication to all nodes. PUB objects should be stored for at least 1 month or until the corresponding PURGE is received from the publisher.

Field Name Size Go-Type Description
addr_hash 48 [48]byte Publisher’s Public Identification Address
txid_hash 48 [48]byte SHA-384 hash of the TXID
timestamp 8 int64 Standard UNIX timestamp of message broadcast in seconds
IV 16 [16]byte AES Initialization Vector
PubKey 65 [65]byte First 32 bytes are the Decryption Private Key, the last 33 are 0x00.
ciphertext ? []byte Encrypted Payload
MAC 32 [32]byte HMAC/SHA256 for this message

Decrypted Message

Field Name Size Go-Type Description
txid 16 [16]byte Either the txid (first-come-first-purge), or all 0x00, signifying that the purge will come from the publisher.
pubkey 65 [65]byte Publisher’s Public Key
subject ? string NULL-Terminated ASCII subject line
MIME ? string NULL-Terminated ASCII MIME-type
plaintext ? []byte Final, unencrypted message
signature 65 [65]byte Signature of entire decrypted message using Publisher’s Private Key

SHUN (10) (Unimplemented)

When a node receives a SHUN from 3 different nodes that have not had a SHUN directed at them, the offending node should be immediately disconnected and blacklisted for at least 1 day. In addition to any rules listed above, a node should broadcast a SHUN if they receive ANY malformed frames from ANY other node. A SHUN is stored in inventory as a SHA-384 hash of both peers. Any node broadcasting the same SHUN more than once will be immediately SHUNned.

Field Name Size Go-Type Description
offending_node 26 Peer Description of the offending node
accusing_node 26 Peer Description of accusing node