Yii2 wrapper for the Select2 javascript widget.
This library makes the popular Select2 widget available for easy use in Yii2 projects within an ActiveForm. Please note that you cannot currently use this library to create a standalone Select2 widget without using an ActiveForm.
This widget is intentionally light on proprietary code, and instead favours existing Yii2 objects, classes and helpers where they are provided. It also provides a passthrough mechanism so you can use the full Select2 range of options without having to rely on support being manually added to this php widget.
The minimum requirement by this library is:
- your Web server supports PHP 5.4.0
- you have Yii2 installed
- You have correctly configured the composer fxp plugin as per the original Yii2 installation instructions
composer require enigmatix/yii2-select "*"
use enigmatix/yii2select/Select2;
$dropdownList = ['Yes' => 'Yes', 'No'];
<?= $form->field($model, 'your_field_name')->widget(Select2::className(),
['list' => $dropdownList]) ?>
You can set additional attributes for the 'select' html element by passing values into the 'fieldOptions'
<?= $form->field($model, 'your_field_name')->widget(Select2::className(),
'list' => $dropdownList,
'fieldOptions' => [
'multiple' => true
]) ?>
If you need to pass javascript expressions (functions or anything more complex than a string you will need to use an instance of yii\web\JsExpression to ensure the resulting config is encoded correctly. See http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/yii-web-jsexpression.html for more details: eg
$ajaxDataFunction = new JsExpression("function (term, page) {return {q: term,};}")
<?= $form->field($model, 'your_field_name')->widget(Select2::className(),
'list' => $dropdownList
'pluginOptions => [
'ajax' => [
'data => $ajaxDataFunction,
]) ?>
As per the original Select2 docs found here: https://select2.github.io/ you can implement any of these features via the pluginOptions array. The array you build is passed through and JSON encoded as is, and will override any defaults within the widget itself.
If you would like to contribute to this codebase, please make a pull request or report an issue. The types of contributions that will be most useful are:
- adding php abstractions for new features
- refining the ajax support (not currently supported)
- coding practice feedback and better customisability and usability
But of course all feedback is welcome :).