This project develops data pipelines to streamline the process of extracting CESM data from AWS S3, transforming and loading data into in Citybrain.
The data pipeline includes the following steps:
- Download data from AWS: Use a bash script to download data from the specified S3 URI.
- Save parameters in JSON: Save relevant parameters in a JSON file.
- Data transformation: Convert the downloaded data from Zarr to Parquet and perform data transformations.
- Create table in Citybrian: Create a table in Citybrian using the Parquet files and the parameters in the JSON file.
- Quality Assurance (QA): Download sample data from Citybrian to check if the data pipeline has functioned correctly and assess data quality.
For example, CESM1 data pipeline:
How to run the data pipeline
In this project, Apache Airflow DAG is used to orchestrate the workflow.
Before running a data pipeline:
- Citybrain platform access: Sign up for a Citybrain platform account
- Set up the environment and install required libraries
- Donwload aws-cesm1-le.csv and aws-cesm2-le.csv
- aws-cesm1-le.csv can be downloaded from (Data Catalog)
- aws-cesm2-le.csv can be downloaded from
To run a data pipeline (DAG):
In the DAG file, replace the default S3 URI with the S3 URI of the target data. For example, in cesm1/, change 's3://ncar-cesm-lens/atm/daily/cesmLE-RCP85-QBOT.zarr' to 's3://ncar-cesm-lens/atm/daily/cesmLE-20C-FLNS.zarr':
DAG files (
- CESM1:
- CESM2:
- latitude and longitiude included in the data: CESM2 DAG (
- latitude and longitiude not included in the data: CESM2 DAG (
Trigger the DAG execution from Airflow UI or from command line. For example, to trigger CESM1 DAG (
airflow dags trigger cesm1_dag
. The DAG will execute the tasks according to the defined task dependencies. -
Then monitor the progress and status of each task from Airflow UI or from command line.