This is my personal collection of free Career Guide books for developers, feel free to share and read. Hope these books can help you write better code and become better a developer.
You can find all the books listed below in book folder of this repo:
- 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know [Download]
- 97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know [Download]
- A Programmer's Rantings - Steve Yegge [Download]
- Apprenticeship Patterns [Download]
- Beautiful Code [Download]
- Being Geek - The Software Developer’s Career Handbook [Download]
- Clean Code Summary - Agile Software Craftmanship Guidelines – Developer Deconstructed [Download]
- Clean Code [Download]
- Code Complete - Second Edition [Download]
- Code Simplicity - Max Kanat-Alexander [Download]
- Coder to Developer - Mike Gunderloy [Download]
- Dreaming in Code - Scott Rosenberg [Download]
- Effective Programming - Jeff Atwood [Download]
- I. M. Wright's Hard Code - A Decade of Hard-Won Lessons from Microsoft - Second Edition [Download]
- Soft Skills - Bonus-Chapter [Download]
- Soft Skills [Download]
- The Art of Readable Code [Download]
- The Art of UNIX programming [Download]
- The Clean Coder [Download]
- The Developer's Code - What Real Programmers Do [Download]
- The Elements of Programming Style [Download]
- The Healthy Programmer - Get Fit, Feel Better, and Keep Coding [Download]
- The Passionate Programmer - Creating a Remarkable Career in Software Development [Download]
- The Phoenix Project [Download]
- The Pragmatic Programmer - From Journeyman to Master [Download]
- The Productive Programmer - Neal Ford [Download]
- Write Great Code - Volume 1 - Understanding the Machine [Download]
- Write Great Code - Volume 2 - Thinking Low-Level, Writing High-Level [Download]
- Write Portable Code - An Introduction to Developing Software for Multiple Platforms [Download]
- Write Solid Code [Download]
- 人月神话 [Download]