Tools to help building data tagging models. Used for example in A+ and MOOC-Jutut projects to tag feedbacks or users with colored tags. Project builds on top of Django and django-html5-colorfield.
- Django 3.2+ (Django 4.2 is supported in the version 2.4 of this project; Django 1.11 to Django 3 are supported in versions 2.0 to 2.3 of this project; Django 1.9 and 1.10 are supported in versions 1.X of this project)
- django-html5-colorfield 2.0+
- js-jquery-toggle-django for
- (recommended) django-essentials for app dependency management
Add stuff to requirements.txt
git+[email protected]#egg=django-colortag~=2.4.0
Install them with pip install --process-dependency-links -r requirements.txt
is needed, if you don't have js-jquery-toggle
in requirements.txt
as it's not disributed via pypi).
Add relevant stuff to INSTALLED_APPS
, if you are not using app dependency loadingdjango_colortag
Add something like this to your html header:
<!-- TODO: load bootstrap v3 css -->
<!-- TODO: load jquery -->
<!-- jquery toggle is used by colortag js -->
{% include 'jquery_toggle.head.html' %}
<!-- defines django_colortag_choice js function -->
{% include 'django_colortag.head.html' %}
For bootstrap tooltips to work, you need to do something like this:
$(function() {
$('.colortag-choice').each(django_colortag_choice); /* only needed if you use ColortagChoiceFilter, ColortagChoiceField or ColortagSelectMultiple */
You can render colortag in your templates like this:
{{ tag.render_as_button }}
<!-- or -->
{% load colortag %}
{{ tag|colortag_button }}
For tags to exists, define model like this:
from django_colortag.models import ColorTag
class ItemTag(ColorTag):
items = models.ManyToManyField(Items, related_name='tags')
You can use colortags in filters like this:
import django_filters
from django_colortag.filters import ColortagChoiceFilter
class TagFilter(django_filters.FilterSet):
tags = ColortagChoiceFilter()