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TapIt Android SDK

Version 1.7.6

This is the Android SDK for the TapIt! mobile ad network. Go to for more details and to sign up.

/dist Library files to be included in your app
/src SDK and example project source


To install, extract the SDK archive( into your project's /lib folder, and add TapItAdView.jar into the project's build path:

Add TapItAdView.jar to Build Path

Set TapItAdView.jar to be exported as part of your apk file:

Export TapItAdView.jar

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"></uses-permission>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"></uses-permission>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"></uses-permission>

<!-- Optional permissions to enable ad geotargeting
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"></uses-permission>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"></uses-permission>

<!-- inside of the application tag: -->
    android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation" />

Your manifest should look something like this:

Example manifest

See for an example manifest file.

NOTE: Zones correspond to a specific ad type, which is specified through the TapIt dashboard. Please ensure that you use the correct Zone ID for your ad units or you may experience un-expected results.

A sample project is included in this repo. See for a live demo.

AdPrompt Usage

AdPrompts are a simple ad unit designed to have a native feel. The user is given the option to download an app, and if they accept, they are taken to the app within the app marketplace.

AdPrompt adPrompt = new AdPrompt(this, "YOUR_ZONE_ID");

Sample implementation can be found here:

Banner Usage

<!-- Add banner to your layout xml -->
<!-- this will center a 320x50 ad at the bottom of the screen, -->
<!-- assuming a RelativeLayout is used -->
    zone="YOUR_ZONE_ID" />
import com.tapit.adview.AdView;
// ...
private AdView bannerAd;
// ...
bannerAd = (AdView)findViewById(;

// you can optionally register a listener to be notified of banner lifecyle events:
bannerAd.setOnAdDownload(new OnAdDownload() {
    // anonymous listener

    public void begin(AdViewCore adView) {
        // fired before banner download begins.

    public void end(AdViewCore adView) {
        // fired after banner content fully downloaded.

    public void error(AdViewCore adView, String error) {
        // fired after fail to download content.

    public void clicked(AdViewCore adView) {
        // fired after a user taps the ad.

    public void willPresentFullScreen(AdViewCore adView) {
        // fired just before an ad takes over the screen.

    public void didPresentFullScreen(AdViewCore adView) {
        // fired once an ad takes over the screen.
        // Stop updating your UI to allow for a smooth ad experience

    public void willDismissFullScreen(AdViewCore adView) {
        // fired just before an ad dismisses it's full screen view.

    public void willLeaveApplication(AdViewCore adView) {
        // fired just before the app will be sent to the background.

Sample implementation can be found here:

Interstitial Usage

Interstitials are best used at discrete stopping points in your app's flow, such as at the end of a game level, or when the player dies.

Simple Implementation

AdInterstitialView interstitialAd; // class property


interstitialAd = new AdInterstitialView(this, "YOUR_ZONE_ID");
interstitialAd.load(); // request an ad from the server, to be displayed later...

... // some time passes as your app continues normally

// when you're ready to display interstitial,
if(interstitialAd.isLoaded()) {
    // interstitial was loaded successfully, show it!

Advanced Implementation

For more control of the interstitial lifecycle, listen for OnInterstitialAdDownload events

AdInterstitialView interstitialAd; // class property


interstitialAd = new AdInterstitialView(this, "YOUR_ZONE_ID");
// register a listener to be notified on interstitial state changes
interstitialAd.setOnInterstitialAdDownload(new OnInterstitialAdDownload() {
    // anonymous listener

    public void willLoad(AdViewCore adView) {
        // fired before banner download begins.

    public void ready(AdViewCore adView) {
        // fired after banner content is fully downloaded.
        // you can show the interstitial at any time after receiving this event.

        // in this example, we show the interstitial as soon as it's ready

    public void willOpen(AdViewCore adView) {
        // fired just before an action is fired.
        // Stop updating your UI to allow for a smooth ad experience

    public void didClose(AdViewCore adView) {
        // fired after an interstitial closes and your app is again visible.
        // Start updating your UI again.

    public void error(AdViewCore adView, String error) {
        // fired if the interstitial request fails to return an ad.
        // Throw this interstitial object away.

    public void clicked(AdViewCore adView) {
        // fired after a user taps the ad.

    public void willLeaveApplication(AdViewCore adView) {
        // fired just before the app will be sent to the background.
interstitialAd.load(); // request an ad from the server, to be displayed later...

Sample implementation can be found here:

ProGuard Settings

Recommended ProGuard settings can be found here:


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