Just create an .env file in the current working directory with the following variables:
Now run the python script and paste the URL of the video. The program will do the rest.
PRO TIP: create an executable application to run this script on your system.
Open Script Editor app, which can be found under the Applications folder
Paste the following into the editor:
tell application "Terminal" do script with command "python /Users/*YOURPATH*/ytDownloader.py" end tell
Go to File -> Export
On "Where:" I would suggest putting the application into the Applications folder so that you can see it in your Launchpad
On "File Format:" , choose Application instead of Script, hit save.
Double click your new application to run the automation
Using Automator app:
Open Automator app, which can be found under the Applications folder
Paste the following commands into the editor:
on run {input, parameters} tell application "Terminal" do script with command "python /Users/*YOURPATH*/ytDownloader.py" end tell return input end run
Save the app in the Applications folder
Go to Launchpad, find the app and click it to run the automation
- Sell it and buy a Mac, lol just kidding... will update the steps here soon.
Fau was here.