My name is Borja, and I'm a software engineer.
- My passions: Open Source, kernels, networking and ground breaking technologies such as eBPF, web3 and blockchain.
- My current role is Software Engineer at Ephemera, where we're building a completely decentralized and censorship-resistant communications protocol based on our XMTP protocol, which uses MLS.
- My previous role was Software Engineer at ZetaChain, and as a part of the protocol team I helped building the blockchain, using go-ethereum, ethermint, cosmos-sdk, ibc, etc.
- Preferred programming languages are C, Golang and Rust. But if needed I can code in python, java, javascript, typescript. I consider myself a language agnostic engineer.
- I'm and avid student and I love to be in continuous brain development myself.
mail: [email protected]