FINDOLOGIC offers a search solution for online shops, increasing hit quality and sales! With the FINDOLOGIC module, all functions are also available for OXID. The FINDOLOGIC search includes everything that a professional online shop needs, including error tolerance, auto-completion, search suggestions, intuitive filters, but also the free design of customer groups and the pushing of top sellers or remaining stock, to name just the most important.
- Copy all files from the folder copy_this into the main directory of the shop.
- Now activate the module "Findologic Search" in the admin area under "Extensions - Modules".
FINDOLOGIC API Spec - Available parameters and response formats for the FINDOLOGIC API are documented here. For more information on how to integrate FINDOLOGIC, check the documentation page below.
FINDOLOGIC Integration Documentation - Here you can find detailed documentations about the integration of Findologic into the OXID Platform. You can also find other topics regarding the integration of Findologic in this section.
FINDOLOGIC Export Toolkit - Provides an export library for XML generation according to the FINDOLOGIC export patterns. For more information se also our XML export Documentation
FINDOLOGIC-API is an object oriented wrapper for the Findologic API, with over 300 automated unit-tests and 100% code coverage. This library not only helps requesting the Findologic API, but also getting data from the response and mapping them to corresponding objects. You won't have to mess around with sending requests and getting the data from the Findologic's response anymore.