Vue JS selectbox replacement with search field. Tries to imitate the functionality of the jquery plugin select2 but with much less code.
- Compatibility with vue-validator
- Enable or disable search field
- Provide data source from url, parent component or global window variable
- Map names for value and id
new Vue({
el: 'body',
components: {
select: require('vue-select')
<div v-component="select"
v-with="optionsFromParent: {w: 'Woman', m: 'Men'}"></div>
<input type="hidden" v-model="" v-validate="required" lazy>
<div v-component="select"
v-with="isInvalid:, modelToUpdate: '' globalKey: 'countries', preselect: 'AT'"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var global = {countries: {'AT': 'Austria', 'US': 'United States'}}
- Remove Jquery dependencies