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PXF Delta Connector


This is the first release of the Delta Connector for PXF. The next phase will include:

  • Vectorization
  • Predicate/aggregate/joins pushdown

Installation Steps

1. Prerequisites

  • Greenplum Database and PXF Extension must be installed.

2. Update PXF Profiles

Update the pxf-profiles.xml file located at $PXF_BASE/conf to include the Delta Connector profile.



3. Install Maven

Ensure Maven is installed on your system. You can check your Maven installation and

4. Compile and Package the Project

Use Maven to clean and build the project into a JAR file.

gpadmin@gpmaster:~/pxf/pxf-delta-connector$ mvn clean package
### 4. Compile and Package the Project
Use Maven to clean and build the project into a JAR file.

[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.2.0:jar (default-jar) @ pxf-delta-connector ---
[INFO] Building jar: /home/gpadmin/pxf/pxf-delta-connector/target/pxf-delta-connector-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

5. Deploy the JAR File

To deploy the JAR file, use the script. This script will:

  • Stop PXF.
  • Copy the compiled package.
  • Clear all PXF logs.
  • Restart PXF.

Run the following command:


Stopping PXF on coordinator host and 0 segment hosts...
PXF stopped successfully on 1 out of 1 host
Starting PXF on coordinator host and 0 segment hosts...
PXF started successfully on 1 out of 1 host

Step 6 - Connect to Greenplum and Create an External Table

  1. Drop the external table if it already exists:
    warehouse=# DROP EXTERNAL TABLE ext_transactions_d;

Create External Table

Use the following SQL command to create the external table:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE ext_transactions_d (
    transaction_id   BIGINT,            -- Unique transaction identifier
    user_id          BIGINT,            -- User identifier
    merchant_id      BIGINT,            -- Merchant identifier
    product_id       BIGINT,            -- Product identifier
    transaction_date VARCHAR(10),       -- Transaction date as a string (to avoid type mismatch)
    amount           NUMERIC(10,2),     -- Transaction amount
    loyalty_points   INTEGER,           -- Loyalty points earned
    payment_method   VARCHAR(50)        -- Payment method used
LOCATION ('pxf:///mnt/data/parquet/transactions?PROFILE=delta')
FORMAT 'CUSTOM' (FORMATTER='pxfwritable_import');
warehouse=# SELECT * FROM ext_transactions_d LIMIT 10;

 transaction_id | user_id | merchant_id | product_id | transaction_date |  amount  | loyalty_points | payment_method 
      368124443 | 7671444 |      502842 |     211955 | 2024-02-07       | 44263.00 |             82 | Mobile Pay
      368190215 | 5187904 |      589170 |     234751 | 2024-02-24       | 71045.00 |              3 | Mobile Pay
      368192222 | 6893445 |      270994 |     352707 | 2024-02-02       | 55530.00 |             55 | Debit Card
      368095715 | 8686145 |      599271 |      31717 | 2024-02-10       | 19731.00 |             65 | Credit Card
      368095971 | 1984538 |      198938 |     395405 | 2024-02-07       | 82284.00 |             77 | Mobile Pay
      368072689 | 7294881 |      822620 |      15519 | 2024-02-19       | 88835.00 |             89 | Credit Card
      368074678 | 3514583 |      175076 |     380181 | 2024-02-26       |  2392.00 |             68 | Credit Card
      368146928 | 2506668 |      309160 |     446281 | 2024-02-15       | 19122.00 |             76 | Debit Card
      368219332 | 4141167 |      228490 |      21146 | 2024-02-04       | 32496.00 |             13 | Credit Card
      368219537 | 9928407 |      972353 |     299168 | 2024-02-17       | 52130.00 |             39 | Debit Card

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE ext_users_delta (
 user_id BIGINT,
    user_name VARCHAR(255),
    age INTEGER ,
    region VARCHAR(50),
    signup_date DATE
LOCATION ('pxf:///mnt/data/parquet/users_partition?PROFILE=deltavec&batch_size=16384') FORMAT 'CUSTOM' (FORMATTER='pxfwritable_import');
warehouse=# select * from ext_users_delta limit 10; 
 user_id |  user_name   | age | region | signup_date 
 4979383 | user_4979383 |  44 | South  | 2017-02-09
 4979627 | user_4979627 |  28 | West   | 2017-05-14
 4979752 | user_4979752 |  32 | North  | 2017-12-04
 4980054 | user_4980054 |  31 | West   | 2017-06-18
 5038791 | user_5038791 |  69 | East   | 2017-05-02
 5038869 | user_5038869 |  22 | North  | 2017-12-04
 5082454 | user_5082454 |  33 | North  | 2017-06-08
 5012596 | user_5012596 |  53 | West   | 2017-07-18
 5012600 | user_5012600 |  52 | North  | 2017-11-30
 5012613 | user_5012613 |  21 | West   | 2017-12-21
(10 rows)



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