A Simple web service that mimics a Career day registration.Through this web service, a participant can register to participate in an interview marathon by selecting a list of job positions they are interested in.
For testing this career service API,you are recommended to use post man. No security has been implemented therefore no Authentication required
In the API,one can add/Read/Update/Delete JobApplicant resource using the following endpoints
POST http://localhost:8080/API/v1/applicant //Creates JobApplicant Resource
"firstName": "required",
"lastname": "required",
"email": "required",
"gender": "FEMALE/MALE", //Enum
"studyProgramme": "Bachelor of Arts",
"yearsOfExperience": 1
PUT http://localhost:8080/API/v1/applicants/{applicantID} //Update JobApplicant Resource
GET http://localhost:8080/API/v1/applicants //Find All Job Applicants
"content": [
"applicantId": "4416a487-6179-4cea-a21d-cebed6512e4f",
"firstName": "Andrew",
"lastname": "Wesonga",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phoneNumber": 700000000000,
"gender": "MALE",
"studyProgramme": "Bachelor of Arts",
"dateCreated": null,
"qualification": {
"qualificationId": "b597a13f-5102-43a6-8bde-76ae3b1c062d",
"educationLevel": "GRADUATE",
"yearsOfExperience": 1
"jobInterviews": []
"pageable": {
"sort": {
"sorted": false,
"unsorted": true,
"empty": true
"offset": 0,
"pageNumber": 0,
"pageSize": 20,
"paged": true,
"unpaged": false
"last": true,
"totalElements": 1,
"totalPages": 1,
"size": 20,
"number": 0,
"sort": {
"sorted": false,
"unsorted": true,
"empty": true
"numberOfElements": 1,
"first": true,
"empty": false
GET http://localhost:8080/API/v1/applicants/{applicantID} //Get Job Applicant given job Id
"applicantId": "97f9f6f7-9a30-48a7-8c43-a4bfc1acc3db",
"firstName": "Andrew",
"lastname": "Wesonga",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phoneNumber": 700000000000,
"gender": "MALE",
"nationality": "Kenyan",
"studyProgramme": "Bachelor of Arts",
"dateCreated": "2019-04-23T23:22:18.87+03:00",
"qualification": {
"qualificationId": "ff3f02c9-debf-4849-97c6-c7f880d4d08f",
"educationLevel": "GRADUATE",
"yearsOfExperience": 1
"jobInterviews": null
PUT http://localhost:8080/API/v1/j/applicants/{applicantID}/select?id={jobID} //Select job interviews to enroll in
PUT http://localhost:8080/API/v1/j/applicants/{jobApplicantId}/deselect?id={jobID} //deselect job interviews already enrolled in enroll
DELETE http://localhost:8080/API/v1/applicants/{jobID} //Delete job
GET http://localhost:8080/API/v1/applicants/job-interviews?applicant-id={applicantId} //Job interviews an applicant has enrolled
POST http://localhost:8080/API/v1/job //Create a new job
"jobName": "WEB DEVELOPMENT2",
"description": "Develop enterprise web based systems",
"jobType": "API Engineer",
"status":"OPEN/CLOSED", //Enum
"interviewDate": "2019-04-26",
"interviewEndTime": "23:52:52",
"yearsOfExperience": 3
GET http://localhost:8080/API/v1/jobs //View available jobs
"content": [
"jobId": "fdcb3f5e-528d-4406-857b-c36760fe0bcd",
"dateCreated": null,
"jobName": "Api development",
"description": "Develop an api system",
"type": "APIEngineer",
"status": "OPEN",
"interviewDate": "2019-04-23T23:22:18.87+03:00",
"interviewStartTime": "T23:23:18.87+03:00",
"interviewEndTime": "T23:23:18.87+03:00",
"qualification": {
"qualificationId": "ffad2a05-714c-4fe9-af47-36f696749c0d",
"educationLevel": "GRADUATE",
"yearsOfExperience": 1
"jobApplicants": []
"pageable": {
"sort": {
"sorted": false,
"unsorted": true,
"empty": true
"offset": 0,
"pageSize": 20,
"pageNumber": 0,
"unpaged": false,
"paged": true
"totalElements": 1,
"last": true,
"totalPages": 1,
"size": 20,
"number": 0,
"sort": {
"sorted": false,
"unsorted": true,
"empty": true
"numberOfElements": 1,
"first": true,
"empty": false
GET http://localhost:8080/API/v1/jobs/{jobId} //View available job by Id
"content": [
"jobId": "7cdda11f-3b9f-40e3-a1e2-d0c3ef97e0f6",
"dateCreated": null,
"jobName": "WEB DEVELOPMENT2",
"description": "Develop enterprise web based systems",
"jobType": "API Engineer",
"status": "OPEN",
"interviewDate": "09-10-0031",
"interviewStartTime": "01:52:52",
"interviewEndTime": "02:52:52",
"qualification": {
"qualificationId": "7a2f7061-4883-4d23-ab7e-b84175bcd560",
"educationLevel": "GRADUATE",
"yearsOfExperience": 3
"jobApplicants": []
"pageable": {
"sort": {
"unsorted": true,
"sorted": false,
"empty": true
"offset": 0,
"pageSize": 20,
"pageNumber": 0,
"unpaged": false,
"paged": true
"totalElements": 1,
"totalPages": 1,
"last": true,
"size": 20,
"number": 0,
"first": true,
"sort": {
"unsorted": true,
"sorted": false,
"empty": true
"numberOfElements": 1,
"empty": false