Scrobble-View (development title) is music tracking and browsing client application. It is designed to be a simple and easy to use application for tracking your music listening habits. It is also designed to be a simple and easy to use application for browsing your music library.
- Browse your recently listened tracks
- Browse your top tracks by period
- Browse your top artists by period
- View your profile
- View your friends
- View your loved tracks
- Play selected tracks on spotify
- Play selected tracks on youtube API key is required to run this application. You can get one here.
You can set your API key in
- Dependency Injection: Dagger Hilt
- UI Toolkit: Jetpack Compose
- Material Design 3: Material3
- Image Loading: Coil
- Navigation: Compose Destinations
- Pagination: Jetpack Paging 3
- SQLite: Jetpack Room
- HTTP Client: Retrofit
During development of this app I have stumbled upon a lot of similar mobile apps utilizing the api. I have decided to list them here as a reference for myself and others. Let me know in case you are the owner of one of these apps and you want me to add/remove it from the list.
- - Finale - Dart/Flutter
- - Compose Scrobbler - Kotlin/Compose
- - SunsetScrob - Kotlin/Compose
- - pScrobbler - Java/Kotlin