Title | Author | Date | Analytics | ||||
Web Scraping and Predictive Analytics HK Property Price using ARIMA Modelling |
Fung YIP |
21 Oct 2016 |
This handy R script is created to extract Hong Kong Gross and Net property prices from the Hong Kong Property Agency Midland 美聯物業 available on http://proptx.midland.com.hk/mpp/main.jsp?lang=zh for rapid machine learning.
Hong Kong Property Price Movement is sourced from Midland Realty available from 1997 onwards.
url <- "http://resources.midland.com.hk/json/common/price.json?t="
Read data from the above link in JSON format into R.
###Data manipulation
Variable Names
Add Time dimension
Net Price 平均實用樓價
hk_flat_net_price<-autoplot(as.zoo(flat_net_price), geom = "line")+
xlab("Period") +
ylab("Net Price")
According to the ARIMA model, Hong Kong property price is estimated to edge upwards given that other factors remain unchanged.
ARIMA is a time series model that attempts to separate the signal from the noise and the signal is then extrapolated into the future to obtain forecasts. The model consist of lags of the dependent variable.
A seasonal ARIMA model is classified as an "ARIMA(p,d,q)x(P,D,Q)" model, where:
p is the number of autoregressive terms,
d is the number of nonseasonal differences needed for stationarity,
q is the number of lagged forecast errors in the prediction equation,
P is the number of seasonal autoregressive terms,
D is the number of seasonal differences,
Q is the number of seasonal moving average terms.
ARIMA Model is very common on financial analysis such as stock market. It can also apply to other area such as house price. Dr Raymond Tse published a paper called "An application of the ARIMA model to real-estate prices in Hong Kong." http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
September 2016 witnessed the price reach above 10,000 price per square feet, which is the same level as last year Feb.
## Series: flat_net_price
## ARIMA(2,2,2)(2,0,0)[12]
## Coefficients:
## ar1 ar2 ma1 ma2 sar1 sar2
## 0.0639 0.3121 -0.5317 -0.4447 -0.0941 0.0914
## s.e. 0.9396 0.4889 0.9583 0.9396 0.0778 0.0836
## sigma^2 estimated as 16712: log likelihood=-1474.23
## AIC=2962.46 AICc=2962.95 BIC=2986.67
## Training set error measures:
## Training set 2.442983 127.076 90.6155 0.1384274 1.782769 0.1172682
## ACF1
## Training set -0.01424128
## Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
## 1997 6085.277 6403.479 6733.046 7379.988 7192.875 7817.294 8090.995
## 1998 6603.319 5826.648 5510.282 5957.922 5525.411 4948.138 4183.586
## 1999 4327.131 4361.977 4250.650 4530.814 4450.849 4573.579 4301.854
## 2000 4162.940 4041.964 3984.227 3962.815 3970.938 3685.792 3545.729
## 2001 3303.797 3382.767 3472.541 3436.379 3277.841 3371.904 3430.698
## 2002 3064.890 2992.888 3014.987 3068.610 3076.878 3120.905 3118.281
## 2003 2712.659 2643.131 2445.978 2308.415 2235.768 2379.370 2433.251
## 2004 2988.471 3294.586 3486.199 3577.440 3479.359 3483.140 3516.232
## 2005 3735.545 3783.065 3756.130 4046.581 4152.506 4247.133 4129.499
## 2006 3882.781 4166.617 4063.229 4092.940 4162.331 4078.545 3894.315
## 2007 3984.955 3989.436 4043.397 4066.732 4111.052 4141.675 4137.563
## 2008 4960.404 5173.295 5318.167 5343.603 5123.972 5247.847 5257.124
## 2009 4270.216 4303.335 4383.712 4549.192 4728.314 4907.033 5090.167
## 2010 5415.376 5680.929 5680.617 5797.961 5894.997 5790.540 5954.090
## 2011 6591.002 6943.394 7243.110 7326.043 7420.017 7516.119 7290.576
## 2012 6999.764 6976.561 7440.819 7817.084 7846.334 7911.844 7862.506
## 2013 8719.424 9152.391 9331.186 9182.552 8692.537 9068.438 9239.542
## 2014 8895.532 8893.465 8899.088 8932.248 8865.483 8954.104 9112.308
## 2015 10149.126 10339.755 10590.419 10537.645 10587.544 10690.268 10848.142
## 2016 10053.286 9931.547 9777.692 9655.770 9745.277 9780.223 9985.415
## Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
## 1997 7708.171 7861.975 7725.726 7850.026 7093.417
## 1998 4179.198 4090.561 3857.212 3922.372 4313.495
## 1999 4441.953 4245.354 4119.388 3807.541 3955.384
## 2000 3582.555 3631.289 3716.413 3579.510 3354.167
## 2001 3210.304 3314.224 3074.483 3028.337 3052.946
## 2002 2943.233 2927.395 2823.745 2829.011 2713.885
## 2003 2370.458 2415.153 2625.839 2757.481 2843.279
## 2004 3416.865 3457.582 3785.923 3786.873 3801.313
## 2005 4139.325 4077.684 4189.457 3853.996 3751.491
## 2006 3995.558 4082.762 3885.319 4026.687 3836.267
## 2007 4206.507 4284.610 4256.179 4465.266 4755.554
## 2008 5031.704 4859.262 4731.283 4036.369 4051.049
## 2009 5142.135 5309.506 5435.233 5408.547 5329.549
## 2010 6168.760 6229.476 6266.750 6572.247 6648.582
## 2011 7301.258 7352.540 7229.223 7174.339 7191.285
## 2012 8026.770 8283.814 8460.766 8682.604 8744.610
## 2013 8984.448 9136.539 9015.217 8898.207 8883.675
## 2014 9392.285 9553.033 9665.065 9759.907 9858.293
## 2015 10942.030 11046.577 10778.328 10526.379 10381.472
## 2016 9970.628 10223.197
Please note that the ARIMA Model is assumed other factors remain unchanged given that the US interest rate would remain the same while Hong Kong remains on track. The Model also ignores the 20 years big cycle and 10 years minor cycle for the Hong Kong Property Market.