This challenge is meant for candidates who wish to be part of Fyle's engineering team specializing in backend.
Fyle is a fast-growing Expense Management SaaS product. We are ~40 strong engineering team at the moment.
We are an extremely transparent organization. Check out our careers page that will give you a glimpse of what it is like to work at Fyle. Also, check out our Glassdoor reviews here. You can read stories from our teammates here.
This challenge involves writing a backend service for a classroom. The challenge is described in detail here.
You will hear back within 48 hours from us via email.
- Fork this repository to your github account
- Clone the forked repository and proceed with steps mentioned below
virtualenv env --python=python3.8
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
export FLASK_APP=core/
rm core/store.sqlite3
flask db upgrade -d core/migrations/
pytest -vvv -s tests/
# for test coverage report
# pytest --cov
# open htmlcov/index.html