Bug fix:
- #120: Removed deprecated gconf2 from Ubuntu
- Thanks to @lifeisafractal for the PR.
Other changes:
- #99: Increased upper Ubuntu test version to Focal
- #100: Dropped support for Ubuntu Xenial
- #101: Replaced CentOS tests with Rocky Linux
- #102: Upgraded test Fedora version to 35
- #103: Upgraded openSUSE version to 15.3
- #104: Updated moleculew to version 1.1.1
- #105: Removed unused test dockerfile config
- #106: Increased upper Ansible test range to Ansible 2.10
- #107: Increased minimum Ansible version to 2.9
- #108: Upgraded Ansible Lint to version 5.4.0
- #109: Upgraded Flake8 to version 4.0.1
- #110: Upgraded yamllint to version 1.26.3
#111: Updated moleculew to version 1.2.0- #112: Upgraded Molecule to 3.1.5
- #113: Upgraded test Python version to 3.8.10
- #114: Changed CI to run on Ubuntu 20.04
- #115: Changed CI to use ansible-galaxy-import-action
- #116: Refactored to reuse release workflow
- #121: Dropped support for Ubuntu Bionic
- #122: Increased upper Ubuntu test version to Jammy
- #123: Added Dependabot
- #124: Upgraded actions/cache from 2 to 3
- #125: Upgraded actions/setup-python from 2 to 5
- #126: Upgraded docker/login-action from 1 to 3
- #127: Upgraded actions/checkout from 2 to 4
- #128: Fixed Ansible Lint warnings
- #129: Added tox for linting and testing
- #132: Added Ansible modelines
- #130: Upgraded urllib3 from 1.26.16 to 1.26.18 in /requirements
- #131: Upgraded cryptography from 41.0.3 to 41.0.6 in /requirements