Custom configuration for Sublime Text 3. It sets up ST3 as the most powerful and fantastic IDE for all languages on all 3 popular operating systems.
Package Control is indispensable.
Sublime Text 3 is a powerful, concise, and graceful text editor that allows you to extend it with numerous fantastic packages maintained by the community and configure them nicely as a Tech Geek. At the meantime it's not as hard to start as emacs or vim. Anyway it's my first love.
However, it's always hard to ice break. Trying out all popular packages, figuring out which are better, which are necessary, and setting up the configuration to make it works as an IDE took me plenty of time. Same problem happens to everyone who begins to use a new software. So if you're first to ST3 and want to try out fantastic packages people are using, clone the repository and give it a shoot.
- (IMPORTANT) Install Package Control
- Click the
>Browse Packages…
menu - Change to last level directory, usually named
Sublime Text 3
- Delete
Folder - Download or clone the whole repository and rename it to
git clone [email protected]:garywei944/eva_st3.git Packages
- Restart Sublime Text 3 and the packages will be installed automately.
If error occurs during installation, restart ST3 several times and it will be fixed automatically. - There is some personal information at
, please change it if you want to useSublimeTmpl
. - Install the dependencies followed if needed.
Most of the dependencies are not necessary, but some packages may not work with full features then.
- Git(
) - Python and
(or Python 3 andpip3
) - Node.js(
) - Tex Live(Windows and Linux) or MacTex(Mac OS)
- CodeIntel (
pip install --upgrade --pre CodeIntel
) - SublimeCodeIntel - jshint (
npm install -g jshint
) - SublimeLinter-jshint - csslint (
npm install -g csslint
) - SublimeLinter-csslint - xg-htmlhint (
npm install -g xg-htmlhint
) - SublimeLinter-contrib-htmlhint - ImageMagick - LaTeXYZ
- Ghostscript - LaTeXYZ
Please manually add../gs/gs<x.x.x>/bin
to the Path. Or LaTeXYZ won't work properly, see this. - SumatraPDF - LaTeXTools
These terminals are optional, and can be changed via ./User/Terminal (<System>).sublime-settings
- Mac OS: iTerm2
- A File Icon
- AdvancedNewFile
- Codecs33
- ConvertToUTF8
- FileDiffs
- HexViewer
- Package Control
- PlainTasks
- ReadmePlease
- SideBarEnhancements
- SublimeTmpl
- Terminal
- TodoReview
- View In Browser
- Git
- Github Tools
- Gitignore
- GitGutter
- Alignment
- All Autocomplete
- BracketHighlighter
- CodeFormatter
- Color Highlighter
- ColorPicker
- CTags
- DocBlockr
- HTML-CSS-JS Prettify
- Pretty JSON
- rainbow_csv
- SublimeAStyleFormatter
- TrailingSpaces
- Emmet
- C Improved
- CMake
- CMakeBuilder
- Dockerfile Syntax Highlighting
- JavaIME
- LaTex-cwl
- LaTeXTools
- MarkdownEditing
- MarkdownLivePreview
- MarkdownPreview
- Table Editor
- Anaconda
- Python PEP8 Autoformat
- SublimeCodeIntel
- SublimeREPL
- R-Box
- SublimeLinter
- SublimeLinter-contrib-htmlhint
- SublimeLinter-csslint
- SublimeLinter-jshint
- VBScript
- AppleScript Extensions
- wxapp