$ composer require germanozambelli/hassio-apiclient-php
use GermanoZambelli\Hassio\Credentials\ApiCredentials;
use GermanoZambelli\Hassio\Hassio;
$apiCredentials = new ApiCredentials('http://ipaddress:port', 'password');
$hassio = new Hassio($apiCredentials);
return the current hassio configuration
return the validity of the hassio configuration files
call an hassio service
turn on an entity
turn off an entity
return list of all entities
to use it you need to install HASS CONFIGURATOR on hassio
use GermanoZambelli\Hassio\Credentials\ConfiguratorCredentials;
use GermanoZambelli\Hassio\Hassio;
$configuratorCredentials = new ConfiguratorCredentials('http://ipaddress:port', 'username', 'password');
$hassio = new Hassio(null, $configuratorCredentials);
return a configuration file
overwrite a configuration file