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KNative Sample

This is a sample that uses KNative and Cloud Events (with the .NET SdK).


  1. Install Docker, Rancher or Podman;
  2. Install k3d;
  3. Install libnss-myhostname so that hosts *.localhost resolve to;
  4. Install k6 (only to test autoscaling).


  1. Run ./
  2. Source the configuration: source

View it working

Check Knative serving

# directly with an nginx reverse proxy into the cluster load balanced services
curl helloworld-csharp.hello-world.knative.knativetest.localhost
# or using the cluster load balanced services through metallb
KNATIVE_SERVING_IP=`kubectl get service --namespace knative-serving kourier -ojsonpath='{ .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip }'`
curl -H 'Host: helloworld-csharp.hello-world.knative.knativetest.localhost' $KNATIVE_SERVING_IP

Or run the serving.http file.

Check Knative eventing

First you need to find the IP the ingress created for the KNative broker:

KNATIVE_EVENTING_IP=`kubectl get ingress --namespace knative-eventing knative-ingress -ojsonpath='{ .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip }'`

Then, to run the producer:

dotnet run --project func/producer/ -- --ip $KNATIVE_EVENTING_IP --host broker-ingress.knativetest.localhost

Or run the cloudevent.http file.

The consumer will start and stop after 2 minutes without messages.

To view the pods and logs from the consumer:

kubectl get pod --namespace consumerns
kubectl logs --namespace consumerns --selector


Access the tracing dashboard at http://jaeger.knativetest.localhost


Run ./scale/ and in parallel watch -n1 kubectl get pod --namespace hello-world to see the pods autoscaling.

Run ./scale/ Use ./scale/ --help to see options, for example:

# run for 120 seconds, waiting 50 miliseconds between messages, with 10 parallel users
./scale/ --run-for 120 --delay 50 --parallel 10


Jaeger: http://jaeger.knativetest.localhost Knative eventing brokers:

Knative Serving service endpoint (hello world function): http://helloworld-csharp.hello-world.knative.knativetest.localhost Registry: http://registry.knativetest.localhost:5000


See the requests directory.

Simulating a cloud event

See cloudevent.http.

You can run it with Visual Studio Code and the Rest Client extension (there are other tools that run this format, as well).


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