AlienVFS is a virtual filesystem that mirrors modules installed by programming language package managers under a centralized directory. In other words, modules installed through CPAN, LuaRocks, PIP and friends are exposed under a single mount point. The virtual directory presents the module name and one or more subdirectories holding the installed version(s) of that module.
AlienVFS has built-in support for a few package managers:
- LuaRocks (Lua)
- CPAN (Perl)
- PIP and PIP3 (Python)
- RubyGems (Ruby)
The virtual filesystem tree automatically updates whenever a new programming language module is installed or removed by the package managers.
AlienVFS depends on the following packages:
Fedora | Ubuntu | GoboLinux |
libattr-devel | libattr1-dev | ATTR |
luarocks | luarocks | Lua |
lua | lua5.3 | LuaRocks |
lua-devel | liblua5.3-dev | Fuse |
fuse | fuse | |
fuse-devel | libfuse-dev |
Assuming you want to install from the most recent Git snapshot, the following two lines are enough to install AlienVFS on a regular distro:
$ git clone
$ sudo luarocks install AlienVFS/rockspecs/alienvfs-scm-1.rockspec
You may also instruct LuaRocks to install it under your home directory with:
$ luarocks --local install AlienVFS/rockspecs/alienvfs-scm-1.rockspec
Next, make sure that /etc/fuse.conf contains the following line enabling regular users to access the modules exposed by AlienVFS under the given mountpoint:
Under a GoboLinux distribution, the main script will be saved under /System/Aliens/LuaRocks/bin. A local installation will place the main file under ~/.luarocks/bin. If that directory is not on your $PATH, make sure to append it to that variable and then invoke AlienVFS, passing as argument the mount point where modules will be shown:
$ mkdir -p /Mount/Aliens
$ AlienVFS /Mount/Aliens
You can now browse the contents of /Mount/Aliens using regular tools.
$ ls /Mount/Aliens
CPAN:Authen::SASL LuaRocks:luafilesystem PIP:google-api-python-client PIP:Pygments
CPAN:Digest::HMAC LuaRocks:luaposix PIP:htmlmin PIP:pyldap
CPAN:Encode::Locale PIP:agate PIP:httplib2 PIP:PyOpenGL
CPAN:Error PIP:agate-dbf PIP:idna PIP:pyparsing
$ ls /Mount/Aliens/PIP:pyldap
$ ls /Mount/Aliens/PIP:pyldap/2.4.28 dsml.pyo ldapurl.pyc ldif.pyo
dsml.pyc ldap ldapurl.pyo ldif.pyc pyldap-2.4.28-py2.7.egg-info