This is a training reservation app in React with Firebase Auth and Firestore.
Not logged-in Visitor can see how many free training spots are available for given date and training type.
User can create an account and reserve a spot for a training. User is also able to free previously reserved training spot if he/she is not able to participate in a class. Usere will be informed if he/she is already assigned to given training, so he/she can't reserve two spots. There is a separate page with all trainings that User is assigned to.
There is also ADMIN role that will be developed in the future.
In order to run dev env run npm start
In order to deploy to gh-pages run npm run deploy
- React
- styled-components
- Firebase
- API communication
Firebase class refactorreduce number of calls to firebase (trainings, user data etc)
- UX improvements
handle firebase auth response during login and registrationpolish validation labelsintroduce nice design with icons etc.
- Tests
- snapshots
- unit tests
- Features
verify email page- my reservations page
- backend validation - now button is hidden on front, but teoreticly Firebase class can make a call - Firebase class should validate if call is possible
- admin's panel - strikes
- 3 strikes - can't reserve spot
- clear database from old trainings (older than a month)
404 page and redirectwhen logged in - redirect to HOME (rezerwacje)Trainings should have days field (e.g. on Friday there is no training at 20:00)trainings should be sortedcant sign on training that already started
- Other
firebase securitytrainings should have id like new Date().setHour( optimize rerendering of components - e.g SignedUsersList