Šimi is an awesome programming language! Check out its main project repo here!
This repo contains a sample project showcasing how Šimi code can be embedded and used in an iOS app.
The Šimi interpreter was converted to Objective-C using J2ObjC tool. This puts some limitations on its usage, such as preventing the usage of external Java files inside Šimi code.
- Add Obj-C Šimi fiels to your project.
- Add the Šimi stdlib folder to your project and add it to target.
- Add any additional Šimi code files to your project and add them to target. Subfolders are NOT supported.
- Mark your UIAppDelegate class to implement the SMActiveSimi_ImportResolver protocol, and then load your Šimi files. Loading sets up the interpreter and interprets the listed files, retaining the interpreter instance for future use.
@interface AppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate, SMActiveSimi_ImportResolver>
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
[SMActiveSimi setImportResolverWithSMActiveSimi_ImportResolver:self];
// You may use any number of comma-separated files.
// Stdlib.simi is loaded automatically.
// This method MUST be invoked before any calls to eval() or evalAsync().
[SMActiveSimi load__WithNSStringArray:[IOSObjectArray arrayWithNSArray:@[@"Calc.simi"] type:[IOSClass classForIosName:@"NSString"]]];
return YES;
// We set the ImportResolver to just read the content of a Bundle file.
// This is generally the way you want to set up the import resolver for iOS.
- (NSString *)readFileWithNSString:(NSString *)fileName {
NSString *lastPart = [[fileName componentsSeparatedByString:@"/"] lastObject];
NSArray *comps = [lastPart componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:comps[0] ofType:comps[1]];
NSString *content = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:path encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
return content;
- Use SMActiveSimi.evalWithNSString::: (synchronous) or ActiveSimi.evalAsyncWithSMActiveSimi_Callback:::: (asynchronous) for invoking static, non-static or freestanding methods in your Šimi code. Calling these methods returns a SimiProperty.
- (IBAction)btnGoTap:(id)sender {
id<SMSimiProperty> left = [SMSimiMapper toSimiPropertyWithId:[[JavaLangDouble alloc] initWithDouble:[[self.txtLeft text] doubleValue]]];
id<SMSimiProperty> right = [SMSimiMapper toSimiPropertyWithId:[[JavaLangDouble alloc] initWithDouble:[[self.txtRIght text] doubleValue]]];
id<SMSimiProperty> op = [SMSimiMapper toSimiPropertyWithId:[self.segOp titleForSegmentAtIndex:[self.segOp selectedSegmentIndex]]];
id<SMSimiProperty> prop = [SMActiveSimi evalWithNSString:@"Calc" withNSString:@"compute" withSMSimiPropertyArray:[IOSObjectArray arrayWithProps:left, op, right, nil]];
[self.lblResult setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Result is: %@", prop]];
- You can use static methods in SMSimiMapper class to convert iOS values, arrays and dictionaries to Šimi ones. There's also an IOSObjectArray+Simi extension that allows for simple adding of Šimi props to ISOObjectArray (needed by SMActiveSimi methods), as well as a ConversionUtil class that maps Java lists/sets/maps to NSArray/NSDictionary.