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Šimi for iOS

Šimi is an awesome programming language! Check out its main project repo here!

This repo contains a sample project showcasing how Šimi code can be embedded and used in an iOS app.

The Šimi interpreter was converted to Objective-C using J2ObjC tool. This puts some limitations on its usage, such as preventing the usage of external Java files inside Šimi code.


  1. Add Obj-C Šimi fiels to your project.
  2. Add the Šimi stdlib folder to your project and add it to target.
  3. Add any additional Šimi code files to your project and add them to target. Subfolders are NOT supported.
  4. Mark your UIAppDelegate class to implement the SMActiveSimi_ImportResolver protocol, and then load your Šimi files. Loading sets up the interpreter and interprets the listed files, retaining the interpreter instance for future use.
@interface AppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate, SMActiveSimi_ImportResolver>

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    [SMActiveSimi setImportResolverWithSMActiveSimi_ImportResolver:self];

    // You may use any number of comma-separated files.
    // Stdlib.simi is loaded automatically.
    // This method MUST be invoked before any calls to eval() or evalAsync().
    [SMActiveSimi load__WithNSStringArray:[IOSObjectArray arrayWithNSArray:@[@"Calc.simi"] type:[IOSClass classForIosName:@"NSString"]]];
    return YES;

// We set the ImportResolver to just read the content of a Bundle file.
// This is generally the way you want to set up the import resolver for iOS.
- (NSString *)readFileWithNSString:(NSString *)fileName {
    NSString *lastPart = [[fileName componentsSeparatedByString:@"/"] lastObject];
    NSArray *comps = [lastPart componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
    NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:comps[0] ofType:comps[1]];
    NSString *content = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:path encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
    return content;
  1. Use SMActiveSimi.evalWithNSString::: (synchronous) or ActiveSimi.evalAsyncWithSMActiveSimi_Callback:::: (asynchronous) for invoking static, non-static or freestanding methods in your Šimi code. Calling these methods returns a SimiProperty.
- (IBAction)btnGoTap:(id)sender {
    id<SMSimiProperty> left = [SMSimiMapper toSimiPropertyWithId:[[JavaLangDouble alloc] initWithDouble:[[self.txtLeft text] doubleValue]]];
    id<SMSimiProperty> right = [SMSimiMapper toSimiPropertyWithId:[[JavaLangDouble alloc] initWithDouble:[[self.txtRIght text] doubleValue]]];
    id<SMSimiProperty> op = [SMSimiMapper toSimiPropertyWithId:[self.segOp titleForSegmentAtIndex:[self.segOp selectedSegmentIndex]]];
    id<SMSimiProperty> prop = [SMActiveSimi evalWithNSString:@"Calc" withNSString:@"compute" withSMSimiPropertyArray:[IOSObjectArray arrayWithProps:left, op, right, nil]];
    [self.lblResult setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Result is: %@", prop]];
  1. You can use static methods in SMSimiMapper class to convert iOS values, arrays and dictionaries to Šimi ones. There's also an IOSObjectArray+Simi extension that allows for simple adding of Šimi props to ISOObjectArray (needed by SMActiveSimi methods), as well as a ConversionUtil class that maps Java lists/sets/maps to NSArray/NSDictionary.


Embedding Šimi in iOS







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