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Dracarys edited this page Jan 30, 2024 · 3 revisions


1. EC2

a. Create an EC2 Instance with multiple disks, NIC (Can be in same or Different Network)

  1. Login to AWS, in EC2, Click on Launch an instance image1

  2. Add name, select additional tags to display on your instance name if needed image2

  3. Select the Amazon Machine Image and instance type (compute, memory, storage and network) image3

  4. Generate a key pair. image4

  5. Select network settings and security group, create one if you need custom. image5

5.1. edit advanced network config to add one or more NIC image21

  1. Select preferred storages and launch the instance. image6

  2. Instance is created and running image7

b. Assign an elastic IP to the EC2 Instance

  1. Go to Elastic IPs and select Allocated IP Address image8

  2. Allocate Elastic IP image9

  3. IP is created, now associate it to an instance image10

  4. Select the running instance image11

  5. Elastic IP is assigned image12

c. Use cloud-init / userdata to configure instance at the time of startup

  1. Stop instance and click edit user data under instance settings from action drop-down box image13

  2. adding script to install and enable httpd image14

3.system log

d. Recover EC2 instance from a lost SSH Key

  1. Select create image under actions drop-down box image15

  2. Enter image name, storage inclusion and create image16

  3. Launch a new EC2 instance using the created image(AMI) image17

3.1 Name the new instance, create new key pair, allow ssh in your security group rule and launch. image18

3.2 Instance created image19

3.3 Ssh check image20

e. Take a snapshot, restore it


  1. Once snapshot created, create a volume out of it. image23

  2. Review configs and create volume. image24

  3. Attach the new volume to our instance to restore it. image25

  4. It's attached to the instance image26

f. Create a AMI and use it to launch the instance

Follow the same procedures we performed for d

2. VPC

a. Create a new VPC