Welcome to my dot files! I have included an installation script that should automate the entire installation process for you! It will symlink the dotfiles to your root directory and install all the dependencies.
You can start from a brand new installation of MacOS. Just make sure that you have git installed and iTerm installed. Then, run the installation script with
zsh bootstrap.sh
This should take care of everything. Afterwards, restart your iTerm, change the font to PowerLine in Profiles -> Text, change Appearance -> General -> theme to minimal and tab bar location to bottom, use base16_ command to change the theme, and you are good to go! (For example, type in base16_material in the iTerm window and see the effects!)
To fully set up the nvim integration, run vi, type :PlugInstall (before you do this, you would see errors from COC).
To install Tmux plugins, launch tmux and press prefix + I
To take advantage of your code autocomplete engine, run :CocInstall coc-pyright in nvim for python autocomplete, and :CocInstall coc-clangd for cpp autocomplete.
- On the M1 Mac, the installation path for brew is /opt/homebrew/bin, which is different than Intel. This breaks the line that changes the shell to ~/local/bin. Just uncomment the line in zsh.sh
Enjoy your brand new development set up!