This plugin let's you send text to twitch chat from inside neovim!
- cargo
You will need to set the following environment variables
- NVIM_TWITCH_TOKEN can be generated at
- NVIM_TWITCH_NAME is your twitch name
- NVIM_TWITCH_CHANNEL the twitch channel to join
cargo install --force neovim-twitch-chat
" If you have cargo installed, you can use the install script
" to automatically update the binary
Plug 'hardliner66/neovim-twitch-chat', { 'do': ':!./' }
" If you manually installed the backend, you can just do
Plug 'hardliner66/neovim-twitch-chat'
vnoremap <silent> <C-s>v :<C-U>TwitchChatSendSelected<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <C-s>n :TwitchChatSendLine<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <C-s>k :TwitchChatScratch<CR>
" scratch window height in percent
let g:twitch_scratch_height = 0.2
" if the scratch window shows on top or at the bottom
let g:twitch_scratch_top = 1
" if set to 1, automatically closes the scratch window on ESC
" and sends the whole buffer to twitch
" you can use <C-c> to enter normal mode even if twitch_scratch_autosend is set to 1
let g:twitch_scratch_autosend = 0
" list of usernames which get excluded for autocomplete
let g:twitch_chat_name_filter = ["username"]
Install Rustup:
Use the stable rust compiler.
rustup install stable
rustup default stable
- Fetch the plugin.
$ git clone
- Build the binary portion of the plugin.
$ cd neovim-twitch-chat
$ cargo build --release
- Test it out in a fresh instance of Neovim.
nvim -u ./init.vim --noplugin -c ":TwitchChatConnect"
The TwitchChatConnect
command spawns the Rust plugin in a separate process and
establishes a channel.