Http raw data logging by delegating the very IOStream of Request/Response. Only work on the data is read/written(e.g. HttpBody haven't be used by the server, the server may not read the data from the IOStream thus the data will not be logged).
- MVC: io.github.honhimw.spring.web.mvc.MvcHttpLogFilter
- Webflux: io.github.honhimw.spring.web.reactive.ReactiveHttpLogHandler
* @see io.github.honhimw.spring.web.common.ExceptionWrapper
* Declare a bean that can be scan
public class SomeExceptionWrapper implements ExceptionWrapper {
public boolean support(@Nonnull Throwable e) {
return e instanceof A_Exception
|| e instanceof B_Exception
|| (StringUtils.startsWith(e.getClass().getPackage().getName(), "org.example.exce"))
public Object wrap(@Nonnull Throwable e) {
Result<Void> result = Result.empty();
return result;
Fetch only selected properties, make the result message more simple.
POST http://localhost:80/hello/world/page
FETCHER-ONLY-INCLUDE: /code;/data/*/content;/msg;/data/1/id
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": [
"content": "hello"
"id": 1,
"content": "world"
Or fetch only non excluded properties.
POST http://localhost:80/hello/world/page
FETCH-NON-EXCLUDE: /code;/data/*;
"msg": "success",
"data": [
- TextParam: Aggregate those text-type param(e.g. RquestParameter/form-data-url-encoded/Json/pathVariable) to an single entity.
- FormDataParam:
is included.
- CsvJacksonNodeReactiveCustomizer(with
, application/csv)- YamlJacksonNodeReactiveCustomizer(application/yaml)
- CsvJacksonNodeCustomizer(with
, application/csv)- YamlJacksonNodeCustomizer(application/yaml)
- PartParam: accept a named part of
part, currently support CSV resolve. - FileReturn: return handler that set the
header with a default filename, and specific a file content charset(bom if unicode).
Json response properties fetcher also supported.
@EnableCsvConverter // Enable CSV Converter Features
public class WebApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args); }
@RequestMapping(value = "/concat", produces = {"text/csv"})
@FileReturn(value = "csvTran.csv", encoding = FileReturn.Encoding.UTF_8_BOM)
public List<Entity> conCSV(@PartParam("file") List<Entity> list, @PartParam("file2") List<Entity> list2) {
// DispositionHelper.attachment("ct.csv"); you may override the filename by setting 'Content-Disposition' manually
List<Entity> concat = new ArrayList<>();
return concat;
- PhoneNumber: CN phoneNumber format validation.
An interface that extends Map<K, V> defines a way to set a separate Time-To-Live for each key(common redis usage).
An interface that defines cache data that refreshable by specific-event.
- RedisUtils/R2edisUtils: Provide a Generic supported usage(Multi-RedisTemplate);
- RedisKeySpaceEvent: support cluster-mode redisEvent;
- RedisTTLCache: An implementation of TTLCache using RedisTemplate;
- InMemoryTTLCache: An implementation of TTLCache using ConcurrentHashMap and ScheduledExecutorService;
Inject context parameters into thread local in reactive(project reactor)
// required
implementation 'io.micrometer:context-propagation:1.1.1'
- AbstractThreadLocalHttpHandler
- AbstractThreadLocalWebFilter
A Better load balancer under development.
- Avoid developers affecting each other by using the same host instance as preferred.
- Use the test server for the default service instance, so that developers don’t have to run the dependent services themselves.
@Config(profile = "develop", servers = {
@TestServer(serviceId = "geo-service", host = "geo-test.internal", port = 8080)
@Config(profile = "test", servers = {
@TestServer(serviceId = "geo-service", host = "", port = 443, secure = true),
}, preferHost = "geo-test.internal")
public class WebApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args); }
- Access control list: Acl/Ace/ResourceMod etc.
- Data operation event
Let Your Entity Extends AbstractAR, and override DomainEntity#eventBuilder
@Table(value = "table_name")
public class YourEntity extends AbstractAR<YourEntity, String> {
private String id;
public Function<DaoAction, ? extends DomainEvent<YourEntity, String>> eventBuilder() {
return daoAction -> new YourEntityEvent(daoAction).id(getId()).entity(this);
Subscribe Entity Event with Spring Event
public class YourListener extends DomainListenerSupports {
public void appEvent(YourEvent event) {
.ifPresent(e -> {
String id = e.getId();
YourEntity entity = e.getEntity();
// do something
Create an AclExecutor
public class CustomAclExecutorImpl<T> extends AbstractAclExecutor<T> {
public CustomAclExecutorImpl(
@Nonnull ResourceMod defaultMod,
@Nonnull JpaEntityInformation<T, ?> ei,
@Nonnull EntityManager em, @Nonnull String dataDomain) {
super(defaultMod, ei, em, dataDomain);
protected boolean guard() {
if (SudoSupports.isSudo()) {
log.warn("Sudo mode, executed without ACL guard.");
return false;
return SecurityUtils.getAuthorizedUser().isPresent();
protected boolean isRoot() {
return SecurityUtils.getAuthorizedUser()
protected Map<String, Object> getAttributes() {
return SecurityUtils.getAuthorizedUser()
protected List<? extends Ace> getAcl() {
return SecurityUtils.getAuthorizedUser()
Register AclExecutor
public class CustomAclProvider implements AclProvider {
public <T> AclExecutor<T> getExecutor(
JpaEntityInformation<T, ?> jpaEntityInformation,
EntityManager entityManager, String dataDomain,
ResourceMod resourceMod) {
return new CustomAclExecutorImpl<>(resourceMod, jpaEntityInformation, entityManager, dataDomain);
Enable Repositories
@EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = "", repositoryFactoryBeanClass = AclJpaRepositoryFactoryBean.class)
public class CustomConfiguration {}
Naming Domain
@Table(name = DatabaseObjectClass.TABLE_NAME)
@Generated(value = DatabaseObjectClass.TABLE_NAME)
public class DatabaseObjectClass<ID> extends AbstractAggregateRoot<ID> {
private ID id;
Suppose you have the following data object relationship structure as follows:
"id": 1,
"name": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe"
"parent": {
"id": 2,
"name": {
"first_name": "xxx",
"last_name": "xxx"
Pattern Matching, limited to Match as Equal, but easier to use
// select * from person where first_name = 'xxx' and parent_id = '2' limit 10;
public void patternMatching() {
IPageRequest<Person> iPageRequest = IPageRequest.of(1, 10);
Person condition = new Person();
Name name = new Name();
Person parent = new Person();
Page<Person> paging = PageUtils.paging(personRepository, iPageRequest);
PageInfoVO<Person> personPageInfoVO = PageUtils.pageInfoVO(paging, person -> person);
Query Builder, flexible
// select * from person where first_name like '%xxx%' and parent_id is null limit 10;
public void queryBuilder() {
IPageRequest<Person> iPageRequest = IPageRequest.of(1, 10);
List<ConditionColumn> conditions = new ArrayList<>();
conditions.add(ConditionColumn.of("name.firstName", "xxx", MatchingType.CONTAINING));
conditions.add(ConditionColumn.of("", "2", MatchingType.NULL));
Page<Person> paging = PageUtils.paging(personRepository, iPageRequest);
PageInfoVO<Person> personPageInfoVO = PageUtils.pageInfoVO(paging, person -> person);
// select * from person order by id desc limit 10;
public void ordering() {
IPageRequest<Person> iPageRequest = IPageRequest.of(1, 10);
List<OrderColumn> orders = new ArrayList<>();
orders.add(OrderColumn.of("id", true));
Page<Person> paging = PageUtils.paging(personRepository, iPageRequest);
PageInfoVO<Person> personPageInfoVO = PageUtils.pageInfoVO(paging, person -> person);
Just like GraphQL, you can query based on the data structure you see.
public IResult<PageInfoVO<PersonVO>> list(@TextParam IPageRequest<PersonVO> iPageRequest) {
iPageRequest = PageUtils.convertRequest(iPageRequest, person -> person.toDO());
Page<Person> paging = PageUtils.paging(personRepository, iPageRequest);
PageInfoVO<PersonVO> personPageInfoVO = PageUtils.pageInfoVO(paging, person -> person.toVO());
return IResult.ok(personPageInfoVO);
POST /list
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/json
"page": 1,
"pageSize": 10,
"condition": {
"name": {
"firstName": "xxx"
"parent": {
"id": "2"
"orders": [
"name": "id",
"desc": true