Scraper library written in Go.
package main
import (
sg ""
// Create a struct to hold your parsed item
type Product struct {
website, name, description string
// Create an initialization function for your item
func NewProduct() sg.Item {
return &Product{website: ""}
// Define the parsing function Parse for your item
// resp.Body is io.Reader you can use to parse the page
// For example you can use goquery
func (p *Product) Parse(resp *sg.Response, ctx sg.Context) (sg.Item, error) {
doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} = doc.Find("title").Text()
p.description = doc.Find(".productDescriptionWrapper").Text()
return p, nil
func main() {
// Create a channel on which you'll receive *sg.Response:
results := make(chan *sg.Response)
// Create a spider and pass the channel
spider := sg.NewSpider("", results)
// Register the init function at the spider
spider.NewItemFunc = NewProduct
// Start the spider
// Enqueue some URLs
// Collect the result
// This blocks waiting for results so you may want to do it in a goroutine
res := <-results
// Need to type assert your struct because on the channel can hold any value (scrapegoat.Item is interface{})
if product, ok := res.Item.(*Product); ok {
fmt.Printf("Product Name: %s\nDescription: %s\n",, product.description)
} else {
panic("Assertion failed")
// to stop the spider