Xcode4 plugin showing completion for NSLocalizedString and localizedStringForKey:value:table:
Build the Lin, then the plugin will automatically be installed in ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins
Relaunch Xcode and Lin will make your life easier.
After installation Enable Lin
will appear in Edit menu.
Selecting a line with either:
- NSLocalizedString( @"", )
- localizedStringForKey: @"" value: table:
- NSLocalizedStringFromTable( @"", , )
- NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle( @"", , , )
- NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue( @"", , , , )
will show completion (see Warnings section no popup shows).
Narrowing down the lists by key.
You can modify value directly from the popover window. (.strings
file containing key will be automatically updated)
.strings files must be UTF8
Completion popup won't show with empty .strings files
After modifying a .string file, dont forget to save otherwise new strings won't appear in completion popup
Lin is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.