Speech recognition using google's tensorflow deep learning framework, sequence-to-sequence neural networks.
Replaces caffe-speech-recognition, see there for some background.
Create a decent standalone speech recognition for Linux etc. Some people say we have the models but not enough training data. We disagree: There is plenty of training data (100GB here and 21GB here on openslr.org , synthetic Text to Speech snippets, Movies with transcripts, Gutenberg, YouTube with captions etc etc) we just need a simple yet powerful model. It's only a question of time...
Sample spectrogram, Karen uttering 'zero' with 160 words per minute.
Toy examples:
Some less trivial architectures:
We are in the process of tackling this project in seriousness. If you want to join the party just drop us an email at [email protected].
Update: Nervana demonstrated that it is possible for 'independents' to build speech recognizers that are state of the art. Update: Mozilla is working on DeepSpeech and just achieved 0% error rate ... on the training set;) Free Speech is in good hands.
- Watch video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9FPqkuoEJ8
- Understand and correct the corresponding code: lstm-tflearn.py
- Data Augmentation : create on-the-fly modulation of the data: increase the speech frequency, add background noise, alter the pitch etc,...
Extensions to current tensorflow which are probably needed:
- WarpCTC on the GPU see issue
- Incremental collaborative snapshots ('P2P learning') !
- Modular graphs/models + persistance
Even though this project is far from finished we hope it gives you some starting points.
Looking for a tensorflow collaboration / consultant / deep learning contractor? Reach out to [email protected]