Geometry library for ImageJ.
This library provides a set of data classes and tools for geometry computing, to facilitate the management of 2D/3D geometric shapes within ImageJ plugins.
The aim is to gather all ImageJ-related geometry questions into a single library, that can be used for the development of more specialized / finalized plugins. Typcial examples include but are not limited to:
- extraction of geometric primitives (ellipses, polygons, 3D meshes...) from 2D/3D digital images
- facilitate geometric operation on ROI (regions of intersets)
- generating synthetic shapes for testing or validating image analysis algorithms and methods
- register images of shapes by computing the most suited geometric deformation
- ...
In its current state, the library contains several classes for representation of common (geometry) data structures. More specialized classes and operations will be integrated according to the needs.
The project is based on maven. It uses sci-java as parent configuration. The parent configuration is somewhat old (1.126), but I encountered configuration troubles with more recent ones.
The base configuration has few dependencies:
- ImageJ
- JUnit
- JAMA (Java Matrix libray)