[RECOMMENDED] Setup a Github Personal Access Token as mentioned here, then skip to step 3.
If you would like to build required DCSA packages individually, begin with step 1.
Build DCSA-Core as described in DCSA-Core/README.md, then
Build DCSA-Event-Core as described in DCSA-Event-Core/README.md, then
Clone DCSA-TNT (with
option.) and Build using,mvn package
Initialize your local postgresql database as described in datamodel/README.md
or If you have docker installed, you may skip this step and use the docker-compose command mentioned below to set it up (This will initialize the application along with the database). -
Run application,
mvn spring-boot:run [options]
-Dspring-boot.run.arguments="--DB_HOSTNAME=localhost:5432 --AUTH0_ENABLED=false --LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG"
OR using docker-compose
docker-compose up -d -V --build
- Verify if the application is running,
curl http://localhost:9090/v2/actuator/health