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Relating the Wallet Specification to Cardano

Johannes Lund edited this page Nov 16, 2018 · 2 revisions

Relating the Wallet Specification to Cardano

This document is pinned to these versions of the Cardano code and Wallet Spec:

  • Cardano code: Git commits
    • 6659d8501c727714a7861ad2e527a337e0a11b86
    • e06f3084a24b988e8491003fab7e1dc6c31aeb0c
  • Wallet Spec: v1.2 (12 July 2018)


This document relates the Wallet Spec to both the DSL and Cardano implementations.

The "DSL"

The DSL resembles the Wallet Spec very closely and ignores many details and complexities that the Cardano code must contend with.

Moreover, many of the invariants defined in the Wallet Spec are encoded (and tested) on the DSL rather than in Cardano. (see "DSL and Wallet Spec Invariants" below).

Generative tests exhaustively compare the DSL and Cardano implementations and give assurance that the Cardano code matches the DSL implementation, which in turn very closely matches the Wallet Spec. (more on this here)

What's not in Cardano

Cardano does not implement the entire Wallet Spec, for instance expected UTxO and associated properties like minimum balance are not currently supported (and are not represented in the DSL model either).

How to read this document alongside the Wallet Spec

After describing how the Cardano Wallet relates to the Wallet in the Spec, we will follow the Wallet Spec sections and show the corresponding Cardano code and concepts.

The Wallet Spec defines a wallet in layers, incorporating one new idea at a time (e.g. prefiltering, rollback, efficiency, metadata). Only in Fig 11 of the Spec do we reach the full definitions of the wallet as it is implemented in Cardano.

For example applyBlock is first defined in Fig 3, then Fig 6 (with prefiltering incorporated), Fig 7 (in the presence of rollback), Fig 8 (with expected UTxO), Fig 10 (full model), and finally Fig 11 (which also considers metadata).

In this document, we show the corresponding Cardano code for concepts in the sections where they are first treated in detail, e.g. we include the Cardano definitions of applyBlock in the section on prefiltering, which is well before applyBlock is fully defined in the spec (see Section 10 - Tracking Metadata).

The Cardano Wallet

A Cardano Wallet has a

  • PassiveWallet (passive because it cannot submit transactions)
  • access to the diffusion layer
  • and write access to the submission layer in the PassiveWallet
-- | Active wallet
-- An active wallet can do everything the passive wallet can, but also
-- send new transactions.
data ActiveWallet = ActiveWallet {
      -- | The underlying passive wallet
      walletPassive       :: PassiveWallet
      -- | The wallet diffusion layer
    , walletDiffusion     :: WalletDiffusion
      -- | The protocol magic used to make transactions.
    , walletProtocolMagic :: ProtocolMagic


A PassiveWallet has a

  • KeyStore which provides access to the HD wallet root keys
  • Wallet state store: AcidState DB
  • Transaction metadata store: sqlite
  • The NodeStateAdaptor provides access to the underlying node, primarily used for restoration (when the wallet's state is not available)
  • partial write access to the submission layer (while the "passive" wallet cannot send transactions, it does need to de/register transactions with the submission layer)
data PassiveWallet = PassiveWallet {
      _walletLogMessage :: Severity -> Text -> IO ()
    , _walletKeystore   :: Keystore
    , _wallets          :: AcidState DB
    , _walletMeta       :: MetaDBHandle
    , _walletNode       :: NodeStateAdaptor IO
    , _walletSubmission :: MVar WalletSubmission


Wallet State

The HD wallet hierarchies are "flattened" into IxSet collections of

  • HD roots
  • Accounts
  • Addresses

This allows for direct access Accounts and Addresses, without having to navigate the HD hierarchies.


data State h a = State {
      _stateUtxo    :: Utxo h a
    , _statePending :: Pending h a

Basic Model / Incremental Model / Basic Model, with rollback / Full Model, with rollback


data DB = DB {
      _dbHdWallets :: !HdWallets

data HdWallets = HdWallets {
    _hdWalletsRoots     :: !(IxSet HdRoot)
  , _hdWalletsAccounts  :: !(IxSet HdAccount)
  , _hdWalletsAddresses :: !(IxSet (Indexed HdAddress))

DB / HdWallets

Each Cardano Wallet Account corresponds to a Wallet in the Wallet Spec.

data HdAccount = HdAccount {
    , _hdAccountState         :: !HdAccountState

data HdAccountState =
      HdAccountStateUpToDate !HdAccountUpToDate
    | HdAccountStateWithinK  !HdAccountWithinK
    | HdAccountStateOutsideK !HdAccountOutsideK

-- | Account state for an account which has complete historical data
data HdAccountUpToDate = HdAccountUpToDate {
      _hdUpToDateCheckpoints :: !(NewestFirst StrictNonEmpty Checkpoint)


An Account's state, a list of checkpoints, corresponds to Wallet State in the Wallet Spec.

data Checkpoint = Checkpoint {
      _checkpointUtxo        :: !(InDb Core.Utxo)
    , _checkpointUtxoBalance :: !(InDb Core.Coin)
    , _checkpointPending     :: !Pending
    , _checkpointBlockMeta   :: !BlockMeta
    , _checkpointSlotId      :: !(InDb Core.SlotId)
    , _checkpointForeign     :: !Pending


During applyBlock, a new checkpoint is added. newPending amends the current checkpoint and rollback reverts to previous checkpoint data.

Core API Architecture

The core wallet API is partitioned into Updates and Queries.

Wallet Updates


  • applyBlock (and switchToFork) take the PassiveWallet as argument, whereas newPending requires the ActiveWallet since it need access to the submission and diffusion layers.

  • applyBlock expects resolved blocks, not core cardano blocks (see "Prefiltering in Cardano")

  • analogously, newPending requires for transaction metadata to already be prepared

Core Update API

BListener.hs applyBlock, switchToFork, newPending

applyBlock :: PassiveWallet -> ResolvedBlock -> IO ()



  • newPending, newForeign


newPending :: ActiveWallet
           -> HdAccountId
           -> TxAux
           -> Maybe TxMeta
           -> IO (Either NewPendingError ())


AcidState layer


  • each wallet operation is expressed as an atomic update in the AcidState layer (e.g. applyBlock below)
  • at this layer the wallet operations require prefiltered blocks (that are indexed by HD wallet account)
  • applyBlock will be applied to every account in every local HD wallet, similary switchToFork is applied to all local accounts
  • on the other hand, newPending is performed on a particular account (but may well affect the transaction metadata of other accounts)
applyBlock :: SecurityParameter
           -> InDb SlotId
           -> Map HdAccountId PrefilteredBlock
           -> Update DB (Map HdAccountId (Set TxId))


Core Wallet Spec Implementation (Updates)

The core implementations of Cardano wallet updates consist of pure functions that act on single account checkpoints.

applyBlock :: SecurityParameter
           -> SlotId
           -> PrefilteredBlock
           -> NewestFirst StrictNonEmpty Checkpoint
           -> (NewestFirst StrictNonEmpty Checkpoint, Set Txp.TxId)


Wallet Reads

Query API
currentAvailableUtxo :: DB -> HdAccountId -> Either UnknownHdAccount Utxo
currentAvailableUtxo = liftHd1 HD.currentAvailableUtxo

currentTotalBalance :: DB -> HdAccountId -> Either UnknownHdAccount Coin
currentTotalBalance = liftHd1 HD.currentTotalBalance


AcidState layer

There is only one AcidState query, snapshot, that reads the whole DB. This is why queries can be pure functions (that read from a DB provided as argument).

snapshot :: Query DB DB
snapshot = ask


For each read there is a corresponding pure function that runs in the Query' monad, e.g.

currentAvailableUtxo :: HdAccountId -> Query' HdWallets UnknownHdAccount Utxo


Core Wallet Spec Implementation (Reads)

These above pure functions rely on the core implementation of wallet reads as defined in the Wallet Spec.


cpAvailableUtxo :: IsCheckpoint c => c -> Core.Utxo


At this layer the (pure) functions on defined checkpoints (which belong to an HD wallet account).

Section 2 - Preliminaries

Fig 1 - Primitive Types


-- transaction id


-- index

type AddrIx = Int

-- address

data ActorIx
  = IxRich Int
  | IxPoor Int
  | IxAvvm Int

data Addr = Addr {
      addrActorIx :: ActorIx
    , addrIx      :: AddrIx

-- currency value

type Value = Word64



-- transaction id

type TxId = Hash Tx

-- index

--- (Word32)

-- address

data Address = Address
    { addrRoot       :: !(AddressHash Address')
    , addrAttributes :: !(Attributes AddrAttributes)
    , addrType       :: !AddrType

-- Address in an account of a HD wallet
data HdAddress = HdAddress {
      _hdAddressId      :: !HdAddressId
    , _hdAddressAddress :: !(InDb Core.Address)

data HdAddressId = HdAddressId {
      _hdAddressIdParent :: !HdAccountId
    , _hdAddressIdIx     :: !HdAddressIx

newtype HdAddressIx = HdAddressIx { getHdAddressIx :: Word32 }

-- currency value

newtype Coin = Coin
    { getCoin :: Word64

TxId / Address / HdAddress / HdAddressId / HdAddressIx / Coin

Fig 1 - Derived Types


-- transaction

data Transaction h a = Transaction {
      trFresh :: Value
    , trIns   :: Set (Input h a)
    , trOuts  :: [Output h a]
    , trFee   :: Value
    , trHash  :: Int
    , trExtra :: [Text]

-- transaction input

data Input h a = Input
    { inpTrans :: h (Transaction h a)
    , inpIndex :: Index

-- transaction output

data Output (h :: * -> *) a = Output {
      outAddr :: a
    , outVal  :: Value
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

-- unspent transaction outputs

newtype Utxo h a = Utxo { utxoToMap :: Map (Input h a) (Output h a) }

-- block

type Block h a = OldestFirst [] (Transaction h a)

-- pending transactions

type Pending h a = Map (h (Transaction h a)) (Transaction h a)

Transaction,Input,Output,Block / Pending


-- transaction

data Tx = UnsafeTx
    { _txInputs     :: !(NonEmpty TxIn)  -- ^ Inputs of transaction.
    , _txOutputs    :: !(NonEmpty TxOut) -- ^ Outputs of transaction.
    , _txAttributes :: !TxAttributes     -- ^ Attributes of transaction

-- transaction input

data TxIn
    = TxInUtxo TxId Word32
    | TxInUnknown !Word8 !ByteString

-- transaction output

data TxOut = TxOut
    { txOutAddress :: !Address
    , txOutValue   :: !Coin

-- unspent transaction outputs

type Utxo = Map TxIn TxOutAux

-- block

type Block = Either GenesisBlock MainBlock

-- pending transactions

type UnderlyingMap = Map Core.TxId Core.TxAux

newtype Pending = Pending (InDb UnderlyingMap)

-- filtered sets

-- (see "Prefiltering")

Tx / TxIn / TxOut / Utxo / Block / Pending

Fig 2 - Wallet Spec

(refer to later re-definitions)

Section 3 - The Basic Model

DSL and Wallet Spec Invariants

The DSL testing infrastructure also asserts the relevant invariants specified in the Wallet Spec.

-- Invariant 3.4
pendingInUtxo :: (Hash h a, Buildable a) => WalletInv h a
pendingInUtxo l e = invariant (l <> "/pendingInUtxo") e $ \w ->
    checkSubsetOf ("txIns (pending w)",
                    txIns (pending w))
                  ("utxoDomain (utxo w)",
                    utxoDomain (utxo w))
-- Invariant 3.5
utxoIsOurs :: (Hash h a, Buildable a) => WalletInv h a
utxoIsOurs l e = invariant (l <> "/utxoIsOurs") e $ \w ->
    checkAllSatisfy ("isOurs",
                      ours w . outAddr)
                    ("utxoRange (utxo w)",
                      utxoRange (utxo w))

-- Invariant 3.6
changeNotAvailable :: (Hash h a, Buildable a) => WalletInv h a
changeNotAvailable l e = invariant (l <> "/changeNotAvailable") e $ \w ->
    checkDisjoint ("utxoDomain (change w)",
                    utxoDomain (change w))
                  ("utxoDomain (available w)",
                    utxoDomain (available w))

-- Lemma 3.8
changeNotInUtxo :: (Hash h a, Buildable a) => WalletInv h a
changeNotInUtxo l e = invariant (l <> "/changeNotInUtxo") e $ \w ->
    checkDisjoint ("utxoDomain (change w)",
                    utxoDomain (change w))
                  ("utxoDomain (utxo w)",
                    utxoDomain (utxo w))

-- Lemma 3.9
changeAvailable :: (Hash h a, Buildable a, Eq a) => WalletInv h a
changeAvailable l e = invariant (l <> "/changeAvailable") e $ \w ->
    checkEqual ("change w `utxoUnion` available w" ,
                 change w `utxoUnion` available w)
               ("total w",
                 total w)

-- Lemma 4.2
balanceChangeAvailable :: (Hash h a, Buildable a) => WalletInv h a
balanceChangeAvailable l e = invariant (l <> "/balanceChangeAvailable") e $ \w ->
    checkEqual ("utxoBalance (change w) + utxoBalance (available w)",
                 utxoBalance (change w) + utxoBalance (available w))
               ("utxoBalance (total w)",
                 utxoBalance (total w))

-- Invariant 6.3
pendingInputsDisjoint :: (Hash h a, Buildable a) => WalletInv h a
pendingInputsDisjoint l e = invariant (l <> "/pendingInputsDisjoint") e $ \w ->
    asum [ checkDisjoint ("trIns " <> pretty h1, trIns tx1)
                         ("trIns " <> pretty h2, trIns tx2)
         | (h1, tx1) <- Map.toList $ pending w
         , (h2, tx2) <- Map.toList $ pending w
         , h1 /= h2



cpAvailableUtxo :: IsCheckpoint c => c -> Core.Utxo
cpAvailableUtxo c =
    Core.utxoRemoveInputs (c ^. cpUtxo) pendingIns
    pendingIns = Pending.txIns (c ^. cpPending)



Fig 3 - Wallet Spec

Spec Code
txins pending pendingIns
</| utxoRemoveInputs
utxo c ^. cpUtxo


Note: for a PrefilteredBlock all intputs and outputs are restricted to "ours".

updatePending :: PrefilteredBlock -> Pending -> (Pending, Set Txp.TxId)
updatePending PrefilteredBlock{..} = Pending.removeInputs pfbInputs

removeInputs :: Set Core.TxIn -> Pending -> (Pending, Set Core.TxId)
removeInputs usedInputs (toMap -> p) =
    let (pToKeep, pToEvict) = Map.partition shouldKeep p
    in (fromMap pToKeep, Map.keysSet pToEvict)
    shouldKeep :: Core.TxAux -> Bool
    shouldKeep tx = Util.disjoint (Core.txIns tx) usedInputs

updatePending / removeInputs


Fig 3 - Wallet Spec

Spec Code
txins b pfbInputs

Section 4 - Caching Balance

State invariant, Queries (refer to later re-definitions for the rest)


cpAvailableBalance :: IsCheckpoint c => c -> Core.Coin
cpAvailableBalance c =
    fromMaybe subCoinErr balance'
    pendingIns   = Pending.txIns (c ^. cpPending)
    spentUtxo    = Core.utxoRestrictToInputs (c ^. cpUtxo) pendingIns
    spentBalance = Core.unsafeIntegerToCoin $ Core.utxoBalance spentUtxo
    balance'     = Core.subCoin (c ^. cpUtxoBalance) spentBalance
    subCoinErr   = error "cpAvailableBalance: spent more than available?"



Fig 5 - Wallet Spec

Spec Code
txins pending pendingIns
utxo c ^. cpUtxo
<| utxoRestrictToInputs
availableBalance balance'


cpTotalBalance :: IsCheckpoint c => IxSet (Indexed HdAddress) -> c -> Core.Coin
cpTotalBalance ours c =
    Core.unsafeAddCoin availableBalance changeBalance
    availableBalance = cpAvailableBalance c
    changeBalance    = Core.unsafeIntegerToCoin $
                         Core.utxoBalance (cpChange ours c)



Fig 5 - Wallet Spec

Spec Code
availableBalance availableBalance
change pending Core.utxoBalance (cpChange ours c)
balance changeBalance
totalBalance cpTotalBalance

Section 5 - Prefiltering

Prefiltering in Cardano

Resolved Blocks

A transaction input refers to an output index, but not the actual spent output address and coin. During applyBlock and switchToFork, in order to verify whether an input is indeed our, we need to know the spent output address.

A ResolvedInput captures the corresponding "spent output" for an input. A ResolvedTx has "resolved" inputs and a ResolvedBlock has resolved transactions.

  • in bracketPassiveWallet we transform a Blund to a ResolvedBlock (see blundToResolvedBlock), which we pass as arg to applyBlock and switchToFork instead of a Blund.
type ResolvedInput = Core.TxOutAux

data ResolvedTx = ResolvedTx {
      _rtxInputs  :: InDb (NonEmpty (Core.TxIn, ResolvedInput))
    , _rtxOutputs :: InDb Core.Utxo
    , _rtxMeta    :: InDb Meta

data ResolvedBlock = ResolvedBlock {
      _rbTxs    :: ![ResolvedTx]
    , _rbSlotId :: !SlotId
    , _rbMeta   :: !Timestamp

ResolvedInput, ResolvedTx / ResolvedBlock

Prefiltered Blocks

type AddrWithId = (HdAddressId,Address)

data PrefilteredBlock = PrefilteredBlock {
      -- | Relevant inputs
      pfbInputs  :: !(Set TxIn)

      -- | Relevant outputs
    , pfbOutputs :: !Utxo



To filter a ResolvedBlock for transactions that are "ours", we discover the AccountIx and AddressIx for each output address (by decrypting the transaction output attributes). This places the output address in a HD wallet hierarchy (Wallet/Account/Address).

When we filter a ResolvedBlock for "our" inputs and outputs, we might discover addresses that are in any number of our wallet accounts. This is why prefilterBlock returns a map of PrefilteredBlock filtered by HdAccountId.

prefilterBlock' :: PassiveWallet
                -> ResolvedBlock
                -> IO ((SlotId, Map HdAccountId PrefilteredBlock), [TxMeta])


When a block is applied to a wallet, we need to apply the prefiltered blocks to their corresponding wallet accounts. Moreover, when a block is applied and their are no corresponding entries for an account, it is still important that we apply an empty prefiltered block to that account so that an empty checkpoint will mark the passing of another block. This is also the case for switchToFork.

(see wallet Spec 6.6 - Ommitting checkpoints)



  • for a PrefilteredBlock all intputs and outputs are restricted to "ours"
  • updateUtxo computes utxo' and sigma' in the applyBlock' definition
updateUtxo :: PrefilteredBlock -> (Utxo, Core.Coin) -> (Utxo, Core.Coin)
updateUtxo PrefilteredBlock{..} (utxo, balance) =
    (utxo', balance')
    utxoUnion = Map.union utxo pfbOutputs
    utxoMin   = utxoUnion `Core.utxoRestrictToInputs` pfbInputs
    utxo'     = utxoUnion `Core.utxoRemoveInputs`     pfbInputs
    balance'  = Core.unsafeIntegerToCoin $
                    Core.coinToInteger balance
                  + Core.utxoBalance pfbOutputs
                  - Core.utxoBalance utxoMin



Fig 6 - Wallet Spec

Spec Code
txins_b pfbInputs
utxo+ pfbOutputs
utxo- utxoMin
utxo' utxo'
sigma' balance'
<| Core.utxoRestrictToInputs
</| Core.utxoRemoveInputs


applyBlock :: SecurityParameter
           -> SlotId
           -> PrefilteredBlock
           -> NewestFirst StrictNonEmpty Checkpoint
           -> (NewestFirst StrictNonEmpty Checkpoint, Set Txp.TxId)
applyBlock (SecurityParameter k) slotId pb checkpoints = (
      takeNewest k $ NewestFirst $ Checkpoint {
          _checkpointUtxo        = InDb utxo'
        , _checkpointUtxoBalance = InDb balance'
        , _checkpointPending     = pending'
        , _checkpointBlockMeta   = blockMeta'
        , _checkpointSlotId      = InDb slotId
        , _checkpointForeign     = foreign'
        } SNE.<| getNewestFirst checkpoints
    , Set.unions [rem1, rem2]
    current           = checkpoints ^. currentCheckpoint
    utxo              = current ^. checkpointUtxo        . fromDb
    balance           = current ^. checkpointUtxoBalance . fromDb
    (utxo', balance') = updateUtxo      pb (utxo, balance)
    (pending', rem1)  = updatePending   pb (current ^. checkpointPending)
    blockMeta'        = updateBlockMeta pb (current ^. checkpointBlockMeta)
    (foreign', rem2)  = updatePending   pb (current ^. checkpointForeign)



Fig 7/11 - Wallet Spec

Spec Code
updateUTxo updateUtxo
updatePending updatePending
updateExpected (not implemented)


  • for updatePending, see Section 3 - Basic Model
  • for updateBlockMeta, see Section 9 - Tracking Metadata


Fig 7/11 - Wallet Spec

-- Update.hs
newPending :: forall c. IsCheckpoint c
           => InDb Txp.TxAux
           -> Update' (NewestFirst NonEmpty c) NewPendingFailed ()
newPending (InDb tx) = do
    checkpoints <- get
    let (_available, unavailable) =
           cpCheckAvailable (Core.txIns tx) (checkpoints ^. currentCheckpoint)
    if Set.null unavailable
      then put $ insertPending checkpoints
      else throwError $ NewPendingInputsUnavailable (InDb unavailable)
    insertPending :: NewestFirst NonEmpty c -> NewestFirst NonEmpty c
    insertPending = currentPending %~ Pending.insert tx

-- Pending.hs
insert :: Core.TxAux -> Pending -> Pending
insert tx = liftMap $ Map.insert (hash (Core.taTx tx)) tx

-- Read.hs
cpCheckAvailable :: IsCheckpoint c
                 => Set Core.TxIn -> c -> (Set Core.TxIn, Set Core.TxIn)
cpCheckAvailable ins c = Set.partition isAvailable ins
    isAvailable :: Core.TxIn -> Bool
    isAvailable inp = inp `Map.member` cpAvailableUtxo c

newPending/Foreign / Pending.insert / cpCheckAvailable


Spec Code
pending U {tx} insertPending
precondition: ins subset dom (available) cpCheckAvailable
  • NOTE: the precondition cpCheckAvailable on newPending is defined in Fig 3 of the Wallet Spec.


This is a variation on newPending required for the Cardano implementation and is not discussed in the Wallet Spec.

newForeign allows for transfering funds from another wallet to the local wallet. The invariant is the inverse of newPending, in this case none of the inputs must belong to the addressses of the receiving wallet.

Foreign transactions have seperate state from Pendings in the wallet checkpoint, but should otherwise be considered as Pending transactions in the Wallet Spec.

A special use case of newForeign is for redemptions, which are transactions that spend outputs not owned by local wallet.

Section 6 - Rollback

6.1 Model

see Introduction\The Cardano Wallet\Wallet State

6.4 Memory Requirements

Note that the only wallet operation that adds a new checkpoint is applyBlock. Cardano stores only the last k checkpoints, see takeNewest k in Spec.Update.applyBlock/Partial

6.6 Omitting checkpoints

Cardano ensures that empty checkpoints (for all wallet accounts) are created for every new block the wallet is notified of. See AcidState.applyBlock

See rollback base case for the Cardano implementation of a "useful optimisation opportunity: we can simply leave all the empty checkpoints as implicit".

rollback (7/11)

rollback :: NewestFirst StrictNonEmpty Checkpoint
         -> (NewestFirst StrictNonEmpty Checkpoint, Pending)
rollback (NewestFirst (c :| SL.Nil))        = (NewestFirst $ c :| SL.Nil, Pending.empty)
rollback (NewestFirst (c :| SL.Cons c' cs)) = (NewestFirst $ Checkpoint {
        _checkpointUtxo        = c' ^. checkpointUtxo
      , _checkpointUtxoBalance = c' ^. checkpointUtxoBalance
      , _checkpointBlockMeta   = c' ^. checkpointBlockMeta
      , _checkpointSlotId      = c' ^. checkpointSlotId
      , _checkpointPending     = Pending.union (c  ^. checkpointPending)
                                               (c' ^. checkpointPending)
      , _checkpointForeign     = Pending.union (c  ^. checkpointForeign)
                                               (c' ^. checkpointForeign)
      } :| cs
    , Pending.union
        ((c' ^. checkpointPending) Pending.\\ (c ^. checkpointPending))
        ((c' ^. checkpointForeign) Pending.\\ (c ^. checkpointForeign))



Spec Code
utxo' c' ^. checkpointUtxo
pending U pending' Pending.union (c ...) (c' ...)
blockMeta' c' ^. checkpointBlockMeta


  • Spec Section 6.5 "Switching to a fork"

Fig 7/11 - Wallet Spec

switchToFork :: SecurityParameter
             -> Int  -- ^ Number of blocks to rollback
             -> OldestFirst [] (SlotId, PrefilteredBlock) -- ^ Blocks to apply
             -> NewestFirst StrictNonEmpty Checkpoint
             -> (NewestFirst StrictNonEmpty Checkpoint, (Pending, Set Txp.TxId))
switchToFork k numRollbacks blocksToApply = \cps ->
    rollbacks Pending.empty numRollbacks cps
    rollbacks :: Pending -- Accumulator: reintroduced pending transactions
              -> Int
              -> NewestFirst StrictNonEmpty Checkpoint
              -> (NewestFirst StrictNonEmpty Checkpoint, (Pending, Set Txp.TxId))
    rollbacks !accNew 0 cps =
          (getOldestFirst blocksToApply)
    rollbacks !accNew n cps =
        rollbacks (Pending.union accNew reintroduced) (n - 1) cps'
        (cps', reintroduced) = rollback cps

    applyBlocks :: Pending -- Accumulator: reintroduced pending transactions
                -> Set Txp.TxId -- Accumulator: removed pending transactions
                -> [(SlotId, PrefilteredBlock)]
                -> NewestFirst StrictNonEmpty Checkpoint
                -> (NewestFirst StrictNonEmpty Checkpoint, (Pending, Set Txp.TxId))
    applyBlocks !accNew !accRem []               cps = (cps, (accNew, accRem))
    applyBlocks !accNew !accRem ((slotId, b):bs) cps =
          (Pending.delete removed accNew)
          (Set.union      removed accRem)
       (cps', removed) = applyBlock k slotId b cps



Fig 7 - Wallet Spec

cpChange :: IsCheckpoint c => IxSet (Indexed HdAddress) -> c -> Core.Utxo
cpChange ours cp =
      (Pending.change ours' $ cp ^. cpPending)
      (Pending.change ours' $ cp ^. cpForeign)
    ours' :: Core.Address -> Bool
    ours' addr = IxSet.size (IxSet.getEQ (V1 addr) ours) == 1



txOuts :: Pending -> Core.Utxo
txOuts p = rawTxOuts p `Core.utxoRemoveInputs` txIns p

-- | Outputs in 'txOuts' that belong to the wallet
change :: (Core.Address -> Bool) -> Pending -> Core.Utxo
change p = Map.filter p' . txOuts
    p' :: Core.TxOutAux -> Bool
    p' = p . Core.txOutAddress . Core.toaOut


Section 9 - Tracking Metadata

Section 9.2 Transaction History

Section 9.2.1 Static Information

data TxMeta = TxMeta {
      _txMetaId         :: Txp.TxId
    , _txMetaAmount     :: Core.Coin
    , _txMetaInputs     :: NonEmpty (Core.Address, Core.Coin, Txp.TxId, Word32)
    , _txMetaOutputs    :: NonEmpty (Core.Address, Core.Coin)
    , _txMetaCreationAt :: Core.Timestamp
    , _txMetaIsLocal    :: Bool
    , _txMetaIsOutgoing :: Bool
    , _txMetaWalletId   :: Core.Address
    , _txMetaAccountIx  :: Word32


TxMeta creation date

Transaction metadata describes a transaction at a particular phase in its lifetime, i.e. there are typically multiple (static) metadata for each transaction.

The creation date used for transaction metadata differs for pending and confirmed transactions:

  • a new transaction is created (newPending and newForeign) with creation time set to the current time
  • if a pending transaction is later confirmed during applyBlock, we use the "block time" (derived from the block slot) as the creation time (in fact, we use the same "block time" as creation date for all transactions confirmed in the block)

In order to provide a consistent (and mockable) source of time, we use the getCreationTimestamp on the NodeStateAdaptor to get current the time. The NodeStateAdaptor is included in the PassiveWallet and provides access to the node context.

Payments (Pending transactions)

Pending transactions are created in newTransaction, where we use the getCreationTimestamp provided by the NodeStateAdaptor to obtain the meta data creation time:

txMetaCreatedAt_  <- liftIO $ Node.getCreationTimestamp (walletPassive ^. walletNode)

Note: the above code was added shortly after this document was pinned to a git hash (hence no link).

Redemptions (Foreign transactions)

A new Foreign transaction is created when we redeem Ada. As with new pending transactions, we use the getCreationTimestamp provided by the NodeStateAdaptor to obtain the meta data creation time:

now  <- liftIO $ Node.getCreationTimestamp (walletPassive ^. walletNode)

Note: the above code was added shortly after this document was pinned to a git hash (hence no link).

Confirmations (Apply Block)

When we apply a block we expect a ResolvedBlock, which is derived from a Blund before applyBlock is called (see bracketPassiveWallet-blundToResolvedBlock)

blundToResolvedBlock uses the block slot to compute the creation time for all transactions in the block, see getTimeStamp below:

blundToResolvedBlock :: NodeStateAdaptor IO -> Blund -> IO (Maybe ResolvedBlock)
blundToResolvedBlock node (b,u) = do
    case b of
      Left  _ebb      -> return Nothing
      Right mainBlock -> Node.withNodeState node $ \_lock -> do
        ctxt  <- mainBlockContext mainBlock
        mTime <- getTimestamp (mainBlock ^. mainBlockSlot)
        return $ Just $ fromRawResolvedBlock UnsafeRawResolvedBlock {
            rawResolvedBlock       = mainBlock
          , rawResolvedBlockInputs = map (map fromJust) $ undoTx u
          , rawTimestamp           = mTime
          , rawResolvedContext     = ctxt
        -- | Get the timestamp to associate with the raw resolved block.
        --   This timestamp becomes the createdAt time for all transactions
        --   confirmed in this block.
        --   Note: We use time derived from the block slot, otherwise we
        --   rely on `getCreationTimestamp` provided by the node.
        getTimestamp slotId = do
            slotTime  <- Node.defaultGetSlotStart slotId
            nodeTime  <- liftIO $ Node.getCreationTimestamp node

            return $ either (const nodeTime) identity slotTime

Note: the above code was added shortly after this document was pinned to a git hash (hence no link).

Persisting transaction metadata

After adding a new transaction (newPending/newForeign) to the wallet state, putTxMeta records the transaction metadata.

Note: Cardano wallet state is persisted with an AcidState database and transaction metadata with sqlite.

putTxMeta' :: Maybe TxMeta -> IO ()
putTxMeta' (Just meta) = putTxMeta (walletPassive ^. walletMeta) meta
putTxMeta' Nothing     = pure ()


Section 9.2.2 Information dependent on chain status


Note: the DSL uses the Cardano SlotId (since slots are not modeled in the DSL) and AddressMeta (since it simply consists of Bools)

data BlockMeta' h = BlockMeta' {
      _blockMetaSlotId'      :: Map (h (DSL.Transaction h Addr)) SlotId

    , `AddressMeta`
      _blockMetaAddressMeta' :: Map Addr AddressMeta



data BlockMeta = BlockMeta {
      _blockMetaSlotId      :: !(InDb (Map Txp.TxId Core.SlotId))
    , _blockMetaAddressMeta :: !(InDb (Map Core.Address AddressMeta))
    } deriving Eq

data AddressMeta = AddressMeta {
      _addressMetaIsUsed   :: Bool
    , _addressMetaIsChange :: Bool
    } deriving Eq

instance Semigroup AddressMeta where
  a <> b = mergeAddrMeta a b
      mergeAddrMeta :: AddressMeta -> AddressMeta -> AddressMeta
      mergeAddrMeta (AddressMeta used change) (AddressMeta used' change')
          = AddressMeta (used || used') (change `xor` change')

instance Monoid AddressMeta where
  mempty  = AddressMeta False False
  mappend = (<>)

addressMeta :: Core.Address -> Lens' BlockMeta AddressMeta
addressMeta addr = blockMetaAddressMeta . fromDb . at addr . non mempty

BlockMeta / AddressMeta SemiGroup/Monoid / addressMeta Lens


  • the AddressMeta definition is mempty says that by default, a transaction is considered not used or change
  • the definition of (<>) on the SemiGroup instance of AddressMeta very literally expresses the formula at the top of p29 in the Wallet Spec


In the Wallet Spec, BlockMeta is a monoid, whereas in Cardano it is not since we need to distinguish between block metadata derived from the entire chain and metadata computed for a few blocks (LocalBlockMeta).

On the other hand, AddressMeta is a monoid in Cardano.

A PartialCheckpoint becomes relevant during wallet restoration, when we have incomplete context of the blockchain. A partial checkpoint differs from a regular Checkpoint in that it has "local" block metadata:

data PartialCheckpoint = PartialCheckpoint {
      _pcheckpointUtxo        :: !(InDb Core.Utxo)
    , _pcheckpointUtxoBalance :: !(InDb Core.Coin)
    , _pcheckpointPending     :: !Pending
    , _pcheckpointBlockMeta   :: !LocalBlockMeta
    , _pcheckpointSlotId      :: !(InDb Core.SlotId)
    , _pcheckpointForeign     :: !Pending


LocalBlockMeta is simply a type marker to indicate that block metadata may be incomplete.

During restoration we construct partial checkpoints with local block metadata. At the end of restoration we can restore to full Checkpoints (with complete block metadata):

finishRestoration :: HdAccountWithinK -> HdAccountUpToDate
finishRestoration HdAccountWithinK{..} = HdAccountUpToDate{
      _hdUpToDateCheckpoints =
           map (toFullCheckpoint mostRecent) _hdWithinKCurrent
        <> _hdWithinKHistorical
    NewestFirst (mostRecent :| _) = _hdWithinKHistorical


Note: when applyBlock is called on a partial checkpoint in an account, we call the variant applyBlockPartial instead of applyBlock.

Checkpoint and PartialCheckpoint are unified by the typeclass

class IsCheckpoint c where
    cpUtxo        :: Lens' c Core.Utxo
    cpUtxoBalance :: Lens' c Core.Coin
    cpPending     :: Lens' c Pending
    cpBlockMeta   :: Lens' c LocalBlockMeta
    cpSlotId      :: Lens' c Core.SlotId
    cpForeign     :: Lens' c Pending



(see applyBlock in Section 5 - Prefiltering)

Note: for a PrefilteredBlock all intputs and outputs are restricted to "ours".

updateBlockMeta :: PrefilteredBlock -> BlockMeta -> BlockMeta
updateBlockMeta = flip appendBlockMeta . pfbMeta

appendBlockMeta :: BlockMeta -> LocalBlockMeta -> BlockMeta
appendBlockMeta cur (LocalBlockMeta new) = BlockMeta {
        _blockMetaSlotId      = combineUsing (liftA2 Map.union)
      , _blockMetaAddressMeta = combineUsing (liftA2 (Map.unionWith (<>)))
    combineUsing :: (a -> a -> a) -> (BlockMeta -> a) -> a
    combineUsing op f = f cur `op` f new

updateBlockMeta / appendBlockMeta


Fig 11 - Wallet Spec

Spec Code
blockMeta U+ blockMeta' appendBlockMeta
"take the union of block numbers" _blockMetaSlotId = combineUsing (liftA2 Map.union)
(u,c) U+ (u',c') _blockMetaAddressMeta = combineUsing (liftA2 (Map.unionWith (<>)))

Block and Address metadata are constructed during the prefiltering stage and express the definitions in the Wallet Spec 9.2.2:

mkAddressMeta :: NE.NonEmpty AddressSummary -> AddressMeta
mkAddressMeta addrs
    = AddressMeta isUsed isChange
        occurs = NE.length addrs

        -- An address is considered "used" if
        -- (1) it is "our" address: we are only dealing with prefiltered transactions
        --     here and can at this stage assume that the address is indeed "ours".
        -- (2) the transaction is confirmed: we are dealing here with transactions that
        --     appear in a block and can assume that they are confirmed.
        isUsed = True

        -- An address is considered "change" if
        -- (1) it is "our" address: as with `isUsed` above, we can assume the address is "ours"
        -- (2) the address occurs in exactly one transaction in this block
        -- (3) for the (single) transaction in which this address appears, the
        --     outputs must not all be to "our" addresses (the transaction must have
        --     an output to at least one address that is not "ours")
        -- (4) all the inputs of the transaction in which this address appears
        --     must be "ours"
        isChange = (occurs == 1)                    -- (2)
                    && addrSummaryOnlyOurInps       -- (3)
                    && not addrSummaryOnlyOurOuts   -- (4)
            where AddressSummary{..} = NE.head addrs


Section 9.2.3 Transaction Status

data TransactionStatus
    = Applying
    | InNewestBlocks
    | Persisted
    | WontApply
    | Creating
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)


In Cardano, Transaction Status is computed as part of getTransactions in the Wallet layer Kernel.

The Transaction status is derived in

buildDynamicTxMeta :: HD.AssuranceLevel -> SlotCount -> Maybe SlotId -> SlotId -> Bool -> (V1.TransactionStatus, Word64)
buildDynamicTxMeta assuranceLevel slotCount mSlot currentSlot isPending = case isPending of
    True  -> (V1.Applying, 0)
    False ->
        case mSlot of
        Nothing     -> (V1.WontApply, 0)
        Just confirmedIn ->
            let currentSlot'  = flattenSlotIdExplicit slotCount currentSlot
                confirmedIn'  = flattenSlotIdExplicit slotCount confirmedIn
                confirmations = currentSlot' - confirmedIn'
            in case (confirmations < getBlockCount (HD.assuredBlockDepth assuranceLevel)) of
               True  -> (V1.InNewestBlocks, confirmations)
               False -> (V1.Persisted, confirmations)
  • Applying if the transaction is Pending
  • WontApply if there is no available slotId
  • The Wallet Spec uses k to distinguish between InNewestBlocks and Persisted. For the new wallet we have maintained compatibility with the old by using the getBlockCount (instead of k) specified by the assurance level of the wallet.

If we had used k, users would experience the new wallet as "taking much longer to confirm my transactions". However, these numbers below (9 and 5) are significantly lower than k (2160) and will report a status as Persisted well within the range that the transaction may still be rolled back:

assuredBlockDepth :: AssuranceLevel -> Core.BlockCount
assuredBlockDepth AssuranceLevelNormal = 9
assuredBlockDepth AssuranceLevelStrict = 15


IsLocal, IsOutgoing

The Wallet Spec 9.2.1 is implemented by _txMetaIsLocal and _txMetaIsOutgoing below:

-- | This is used when apply block is called, during prefiltering, so related inputs
-- and outputs to the HDAccount are known to the caller.
-- @spentInputsCoins@ is the coins from input addresses of the account. They reduce the balance.
-- @gainedOutputsCoins@ is the coins from output addresses of the account. They increase the balance.
-- @allOurs@ indictes if all inputs and outputs addresses belong to the account.
resolvedToTxMeta :: ResolvedTx -> Coin -> Coin -> Bool -> HD.HdAccountId -> TxMeta
resolvedToTxMeta ResolvedTx{..} spentInputsCoins gainedOutputsCoins allOurs accountId =
  fromMaybe (error "Invalid ResolvedTx") mbMeta
    mbMeta = do
      inps <- NE.nonEmpty $ mapMaybe toInpQuad $ NE.toList (_fromDb _rtxInputs)
      outs <- fromUtxo $ _fromDb _rtxOutputs
      let (txId, timestamp) = _fromDb _rtxMeta
      return TxMeta {
          _txMetaId = txId
        , _txMetaAmount = absCoin inCoin outCoin
        , _txMetaInputs = inps
        , _txMetaOutputs = outs
        , _txMetaCreationAt = timestamp
        , _txMetaIsLocal = allOurs
        , _txMetaIsOutgoing = gainedOutputsCoins < spentInputsCoins -- it's outgoing if gained is less than spent.
        , _txMetaWalletId = _fromDb $ HD.getHdRootId (accountId ^. HD.hdAccountIdParent)
        , _txMetaAccountIx = HD.getHdAccountIx $ accountId ^. HD.hdAccountIdIx

Note: the above code was added shortly after this document was pinned to a git hash (hence no link).

Fig 13 - Wallet Spec

addPending :: HdAccountId -> Pending -> WalletSubmission -> WalletSubmission

remPending :: Map HdAccountId (Set Txp.TxId)
           -> WalletSubmission
           -> WalletSubmission

tick :: WalletSubmission
     -> (Cancelled, [Txp.TxAux], WalletSubmission)

addPending / remPending / tick

Section 10 - Transaction Submission

10.1 Interface

Adding and removing pending transactions

  • "call addPending on newPending and (possibly) on rollback"
  • "call remPending on applyBlock and cancel"

After adding a new transaction (newPending/newForeign) to the wallet state, we notify the submission layer of the new transaction:

submitTx :: IO ()
submitTx = modifyMVar_ (walletPassive ^. walletSubmission) $
                    return . addPending accountId (Pending.singleton tx)


In applyBlock we remove relevant pending transactions:

-- | Notify all the wallets in the PassiveWallet of a new block
applyBlock :: PassiveWallet
           -> ResolvedBlock
           -> IO ()
applyBlock pw@PassiveWallet{..} b = do
    k <- Node.getSecurityParameter _walletNode
    ((slotId, blocksByAccount), metas) <- prefilterBlock' pw b
    -- apply block to all Accounts in all Wallets
    confirmed <- update' _wallets $ ApplyBlock k (InDb slotId) blocksByAccount
    modifyMVar_ _walletSubmission $ return . Submission.remPending confirmed
    mapM_ (putTxMeta _walletMeta) metas


In switchToFork we add / remove the relevant pending transactions to/from the submission layer (which corresponds with the Wallet Spec on possibly adding pendings during rollback and removing pendings during applyBlock):

switchToFork :: PassiveWallet
             -> Int             -- ^ Number of blocks to roll back
             -> [ResolvedBlock] -- ^ Blocks in the new fork
             -> IO (Either RollbackDuringRestoration ())
switchToFork pw@PassiveWallet{..} n bs = do
    k <- Node.getSecurityParameter _walletNode
    blocksAndMeta <- mapM (prefilterBlock' pw) bs
    let (blockssByAccount, metas) = unzip blocksAndMeta
    res <- update' _wallets $ SwitchToFork k n blockssByAccount
    case res of
      Left  err     -> return $ Left err
      Right changes -> do mapM_ (putTxMeta _walletMeta) $ concat metas
                          modifyMVar_ _walletSubmission $
                            return . Submission.addPendings (fst <$> changes)
                          modifyMVar_ _walletSubmission $
                            return . Submission.remPending (snd <$> changes)
                          return $ Right ()


Tick function

  • "must be a thread that periodically calls tick, to give the submission layer a chance to resubmit transactions that haven’t made it into the blockchain yet. The set of transactions returned by tick ... the wallet should remove such transactions from its pending set"

The submission layer resource is managed in bracketActiveWallet and is initialised with tickFunction, which calls tick and cancels any pending transactions returned:

tickFunction :: MVar WalletSubmission -> IO ()
tickFunction submissionLayer = do
    (cancelled, toSend) <-
        modifyMVar submissionLayer $ \layer -> do
            let (e, s, state') = tick layer
            return (state', (e,s))
    unless (Map.null cancelled) $
        cancelPending walletPassive cancelled
    sendTransactions toSend



-- | Cancel a pending transaction
-- NOTE: This gets called in response to events /from/ the wallet submission
-- layer, so we shouldn't be notifying the submission in return here.
-- This removes the transaction from either pending or foreign.
cancelPending :: forall c. IsCheckpoint c
              => Set Txp.TxId
              -> NewestFirst StrictNonEmpty c -> NewestFirst StrictNonEmpty c
cancelPending txids = map (cpPending %~ Pending.delete txids)


10.2 Implementation

  • The Schedule time slots are modeled as a collection of ScheduleEvents per slotId
data Schedule = Schedule {
      _ssScheduled     :: IntMap ScheduleEvents
    , _ssUnsentNursery :: [ScheduleSend]

-- | A type representing an item (in this context, a transaction) scheduled
-- to be regularly sent in a given slot (computed by a given 'RetryPolicy').
data ScheduleSend = ScheduleSend HdAccountId Txp.TxId Txp.TxAux SubmissionCount deriving Eq

-- | A type representing an item (in this context, a transaction @ID@) which
-- needs to be checked against the blockchain for inclusion. In other terms,
-- we need to confirm that indeed the transaction identified by the given 'TxId' has
-- been adopted, i.e. it's not in the local pending set anymore.
data ScheduleEvictIfNotConfirmed = ScheduleEvictIfNotConfirmed HdAccountId Txp.TxId deriving Eq

-- | All the events we can schedule for a given 'Slot', partitioned into
-- 'ScheduleSend' and 'ScheduleEvictIfNotConfirmed'.
data ScheduleEvents = ScheduleEvents {
      _seToSend    :: [ScheduleSend]
    -- ^ A list of transactions which we need to send.
    , _seToConfirm :: [ScheduleEvictIfNotConfirmed]
    -- ^ A list of transactions which we need to check if they have been
    -- confirmed (i.e. adopted) by the blockchain.
  • "When the submission layer is notified of new pending transactions, it adds those to its pending set and schedules them to be submitted in the next slot, recording an initial submission count of 0"
-- | Schedule the full list of pending transactions.
-- The transactions will be scheduled immediately in the next 'Slot'.
schedulePending :: HdAccountId
                -> Pending
                -> WalletSubmission
                -> WalletSubmission
schedulePending accId pending ws =
    let currentSlot = ws ^. wsState . wssCurrentSlot
    in addToSchedule ws (mapSlot succ currentSlot) toSend mempty
        toEntry :: (Txp.TxId, Txp.TxAux) -> ScheduleSend
        toEntry (txId, txAux) = ScheduleSend accId txId txAux (SubmissionCount 0)

        toSend :: [ScheduleSend]
        toSend = map toEntry (Pending.toList pending)
  • "The submission layer is parameterised over a ‘resubmission function’ ρ"
  • "If desired, the submission count can be used to implement exponential back-off"
-- see initPassiveWallet:

submission <- newMVar (newWalletSubmission rho)
rho = defaultResubmitFunction (exponentialBackoff 255 1.25)


10.3 Persistence

  • "The state of the submission layer does not need to be persisted. If the wallet is shutdown for some period of time, the submission layer can simply be re-initialised from the state of the wallet, starting the submission process afresh for any transactions that the wallet still reports as pending."
-- see initPassiveWallet...

initSubmission :: PassiveWallet -> IO ()
initSubmission pw  = do
    pendings <- pendingByAccount <$> getWalletSnapshot pw
    modifyMVar_ (_walletSubmission pw) $
	    return . addPendings pendings

Note: the above code was added shortly after this document was pinned to a git hash (hence no link).

10.4 Transactions with TTL

Cardano does not implement transaction TTL directly. Instead, we have a retry policy that determines whether or not we retry submitting a transaction. The current retry policy is an exponential backoff, where we delay a failed transaction submission by a number of slots equal to 1.25 ^ submissionCount. After completing a slot, the process sleeps for five seconds. Transactions have a maximum of 23 attempts.

This allows us to estimate the lower bound TTL for a transaction at 4150 seconds, which works out to one hour, nine minutes, and ten seconds. We arrive at this with the following calculation:

>>> sum $ map ((* 5) . floor . (1.25 **)) [1..23]

For each resubmission attempt, we calculate the number of slot delays with floor . (1.25 **) (where ** is the operator for floating point exponentiation). We then multiply each slot delay by 5, corresponding to the sleep delay between slots, to arrive at the number of seconds of delay. Finally, we sum these delays to get the total number of seconds of delay before a transaction will be dropped.

The resubmitFunction that is used currently lives in Cardano.Wallet.Kernel.Submission and includes the 23 count of resubmission limit. The 5 second tick rate is currently hardcoded in Cardano.Wallet.Kernel.Submission.Worker.

Fig 14 - Wallet Spec


data Schedule = Schedule {
      _ssScheduled     :: IntMap ScheduleEvents
    , _ssUnsentNursery :: [ScheduleSend]


type ResubmissionFunction =  Slot
                          -> [ScheduleSend]
                          -> Schedule
                          -> (Schedule, [Txp.TxAux])


data WalletSubmissionState = WalletSubmissionState {
      _wssPendingMap  ::  M.Map HdAccountId Pending
    , _wssSchedule    ::  Schedule
    , _wssCurrentSlot :: !Slot


addPending :: HdAccountId -> Pending -> WalletSubmission -> WalletSubmission
addPending accId newPending ws =
    let ws' = ws & over (pendingByAccId accId)
                        (Pending.union newPending)
    in schedulePending accId newPending ws'

remPending :: Map HdAccountId (Set Txp.TxId)
           -> WalletSubmission
           -> WalletSubmission
remPending pendingMap ws =
    M.foldlWithKey' (\acc accId pendingSet ->
                        remPendingById accId pendingSet acc
                    ) ws pendingMap

tick :: WalletSubmission
     -> (Cancelled, [Txp.TxAux], WalletSubmission)

Schedule / ResubmissionFunction / WalletSubmissionState / addPending remPending / tick

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