Spat-SDIF-Player is a Max patch or standalone application allowing to load spatialization data stored in SDIF format, and to stream them as SpatDIF-compliant OSC messages to any OSC-compatible application.
SDIF files can be produced by OpenMusic and the OM-Spat library's SPAT-MATRIX objects using SAVE-SPAT-SDIF.
Only position data (SDIF frames/matrices of type "XSRC"/"XCAR"), orientation ("XSRC"/"XORI") and aperture ("XSRC"/"XAPE") are loaded in the player.
- MuBu for Max by ISMM ©Ircam-Centre Pompidou:
- CNMAT Max/MSP Externals (OSC) ©UC Berkeley:
Jean Bresson, Marlon Schumacher — IRCAM / CIRMMT — 2010-2011.
See also (related articles):
- Jean Bresson, Marlon Schumacher. Representation and Interchange of Sound Spatialization Data for Compositional Applications. International Computer Music Conference, Huddersfield, United Kingdom, 2011.
- Jean Bresson. Spatial Structures Programming for Music. Spatial Computing Workshop (SCW), Valencia, Spain, 2012.
It is possible to control Spat-SDIF-Player from OpenMusic, via OSC communication on the "Incoming OSC" port (top-right of the window). When an SDIFFile object is "played" from OM (selected + 'space' key), its pathname is sent for loading and rendering on the default OSC port.