To get started please fork this project and carefully read the following instructions.
Commit all of the code to your fork of this project. If you screen record yourself working through the competency test you'll get (Extra Credit)
The project will have multiple roles that interact with each other.
- Guest (No Login)
- Vanilla Users (Logged in - No special role)
- Editor Users
- Admin Users (Extra Credit)
- Can see homepage with first 3 articles from each category.
- Can see article index page.
- Are sent to signup page if they want to see article show page.
- Can signup
- Can Login
- Can see everything a guest can
- Can see article show pages.
- Can logout
- Can do everything a vanilla User can.
- Can create articles
- Can delete articles that they created
- Can edit articles that they created
- Can create users and set roles.
- Can edit users and change roles.
- Can't edit/destroy/create articles.
Table will contain title, content, category, user_id.
Use one of these gems: Petergate (Preferred), Pundit, Cancancan.
- user
- editor
- admin (Extra Credit)
Use sqlite
Use minitest as the test suite.
Devise can be used for authentication.
slim (Prefered), haml, erb