@Author: Jakub Witowski @Creation date: 06.02.2018 @Project name: WebSocketServer
Implemented basic command line interface
- Serial Baud Rate
- Full logging implemented
- "login", and "reboot" command
Implemented WiFi AP connection
- SSID and PASSWORD are stored in EEPROM
- change credentials during the runtime using "login" command
Reboot support
- Reboot after configurable timeout when cannot connect to the AP
- Reboot after configurable timeout when lost WiFi connection and cannot restore it
Implemented WebSocketSerwer
- Configurable PORT and IP nr: PORT @@81
- Receiving JSON package: JSON input buffer
- Supported commands in JSON format:
- "{"LED1" : 1}"
- "{"LED1" : 0}"
Configurable parameters: - Serial Baud Rate: 115200 - Establishing connection timeout: 16000ms - Trying reconnect timeout: 20000ms - WebSocketServer Port: 81 - JSON input buffer size: 200bytes