fix annotation block size at 64. Note this is dangerous if you have legacy annotation at 32
add POST /blocks to annotation
fixes to flatten-metadata
add admin token querystring to allow selective full write
add version-specific migration and full test suite
allow version range for mutation log flattening
add migrate-batch command
enhance flatten metadata command to multi-version use
fix multiversion flattening
remove debug that can fill logs for large queries
decouple CORS from Authorization
fix dag duplication on version subset; add test
remove transactionDB/gbucket mutex and patch
prevent any metadata writes in read-only mode
fix copy kv pairs to also transmit version 0 metadata per data instance
prevent package doc in generated protobuf
allow wildcard auth and block based on HTTP Method
add annotation /all-elements request
add auth file reload without reboot
fix branch ancestry calc, initial mapping load
add labelmap mutation JSON log
prevent absolute path conversion from creating config entries
add ngprecomputed backend for static Neuroglancer Precomputed GCS store
add /keyrangevalues endpoint for keyvalue data type
add support for confluent cloud kafka auth
add kakfa topic creation
update confluent kafka libs
add auth option for just token verification
update brainmaps API for googlevoxels
allow CORS to be shutoff in case of nginx fronting
return better error responses for /api/server/token
allow wildcard access for CORS issues if auth turned off
Ship both versions of the dvid console, leave the old version active by default
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