Simulate the hourly energy and cash flows of a solar + battery EV charging park throughout a whole year and derive an income statement.
The cars are assumed to arrive randomly but poisson distributed. The solar radiation is assumed to be sine wave shaped throughout the year with a 10 times higher power in summer (perfectly facing the sun in summer). Then the energy flows are derived hourly with accounting for the cash flows.
Parameters to play around with are:
- charge rate in kW
- average charge in kWh
- average customers per day
- number of charge points
- solar radition at the location
- solar park capacity in kW
- battery size in kWh
- electricity sales price per kWh
Parameters for accounting are:
- grid electricity cost
- grid electricity sales price
- investment cost per solar kW
- investment cost per inverter kW
- investment cost per battery kWh
The model then reports all energy flows and cash flows accordingly, as well as a income statement by accounting for the depreciation.